Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago
Nope. Favours pro play and is absolutely shit at lower tiers.
This is why Mercy has a gun and why tanks in mobas have to have a bit of kill potential. It’d be incredibly frustrating to want to play a healer like that and your team being completely dogshite without you having any ability to affect enemies.
AugustUwU, a Riot developer talks about that a bit on some of his videos. 5 months ago
Disagree. Both Ragnarok Online pvp and World of Warcraft arena had tank mage builds (discipline priest and priest/high priest) and they were incredibly fun to play. Especially early-ish discipline pvp was all about proactive absorption and then removing as many buffs and burning mana of the enemy.
Then of course blizzard did their usual blizzard shit. 5 months ago
Balancing is different in a MMORPG. And one person having fun really doesn’t tell a lot. The point is that when it’s done in team games, usually it ends up frustrating most players.
Like say a MOBA had a hero who had a 30% winrate. There might be plenty of mains who don’t mind at all and find the hero fun and good. But the stats from a million games tells a better story than anecdotal experiences. 5 months ago
I still think it’s okay to have high skill ceiling classes though. It’s one reason dota2 Invoker was so popular for example.
They could probably add one healer in a moba or team shooter that has a complicated but rewarding game play. 5 months ago
Like think about this this way; you couldn’t really have a champion who couldn’t heal at all either, and did “100% damage”. Like, if you did insane amounts of damage, but only had a certain amount of health and no way of getting it back.
It’s not exactly the same, of course, but it does highlight something that could sort of never work. (Never say never, but, you know…) 5 months ago
I never implied otherwise.
But you can’t really have 100% healers and 100% tanks who can’t deal damage in teamgames like mobas and shooters.
That’s why Mercy has a gun, even when it is very rarely used.