LiS2 is definitely their worst game yet. It was just plain not as interesting as the rest, and it’s the only LiS where your main character isn’t the one with the powers. Plus horrible things keep happening to them, so it’s just depressing.
On the other hand, I really loved True Colors. I thought it was really damn nice, but unfortunately you can tell something went wrong, because it was painfully short. The entire game happens in a single tiny location, leaving you wishing for more, and it never arrived.
Ultimately I’m more excited about Lost Records these days. Still hope Double Exposure ends up being good, but LiS as a series lost its soul over time 5 months ago
LiS2 wasn’t my favorite. It started to feel like misery porn after a while, not to mention bordering on the absurd with the variety of situations they put the kids through. I think the story would have been stronger without the cult chapter. Expanding on the themes in the last chapter might have been a better choice and more consistent with the overall narrative. I will say, though, the endings are solid in the “choices matter” department. Best in the series with that, and a standout in gaming in that category.
I liked Before the Storm and True Colors, so I’m definitely looking forward to Deck Nine continuing the series with Double Exposure. 5 months ago
Stoked for that and Blood and Rage early next year as well