It will take some people’s professions. People who write click bait articles, schlock product reviews, and pulp romance novels, and the things modern Hollywood describe as scripts might be out of a job.
Quality novels, hard-hitting journalism, and innovative storytelling of all sorts is outside of the capability of LLMs and might always be. There’s a world where nearly all run-of-the-mill writing is done by LLMs, but truly original works will always be made by people.
At the end of the day, though, if a person can’t out-write an AI they might be in the wrong line of work. 5 months ago
I don’t think so, at least for a little bit. Big cooperation will surely try to market it that way, but we’ve already seen how badly AI can shit the bed when it feeds on its own content 5 months ago
The trouble is that a fad doesn’t have to be functional to be used by short-sighted trend chasers as a justification to make cuts. How many jobs did we see outsourced to India in a way that didn’t even come close to matching the quality of the people laid off? The people who make the decision to replace jobs with ai systems will loudly declare success and move on to their next role before the long-term consequences are fully realized.