Comment on AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble

<- View Parent ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

We’re like four responses into this comment chain and you’re still going off about how it’s not “real” AI because it can’t think and isn’t sapient. No shit, literally no one was arguing that point. Current AI is like the virtual intelligences of Mass Effect, or the “dumb” AI from the Halo franchise.

Do I need my laundry robot to be able to think for itself and respond to any possible scenario? Fuck no. Just like how I didn’t need ChatGPT to be able to understand what I’m using the python script for. I ask it to accomplish a task using the data set that it’s trained on and it can access said pretrained data to build me a script for what I’m describing to it. I can ask DALLE2 to generate me an image and it will access it’s dataset to emulate whatever object or scene I’ve described based on its training data.

You’re so hung up on the fact that it can’t think for itself in a sapience sense that you’re claiming it cannot do things that it’s already capable of. The models can absolutely replicate “thinking” within the information it has available. That’s not a subjective opinion, if it couldn’t do that they wouldn’t be functional for the use cases we already have for them.

Additionally, robotics has already reached the point we need for this to occur. BD has bipedal robots that can do parkour and assist with carrying loads for human operators. All of the constituent parts of what I’m describing already exist. There’s no reason we couldn’t build an AI model for any given task, once we define all of the dependencies such a task would require and assimilate the training data. There’s people who have already done similar (albeit more simplistic) things with this.

Hell, Roombas have been automating vacuuming for years, and without the benefit of machine learning. How is that any different than what I’m talking about here? You could build a model to take in the pathfinding and camera data of all vacuuming robots and use it to train an AI for vacuuming for fucks sake. It’s just combining ML with other things besides a chatbot.

And you call me dense.
