Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago
We should always add a mental asterisk to the names of male researchers who discovered things while women were oppressed.
That said, this meme is playing loose and fast with the specifics, which undermines that important message.
Just picking the first one:
Payne’s work was her Ph.D. thesis and Russell did not tell her not to publish it, her advisor did. The advisor told her not to rock the boat in her thesis. This is good advice that even Einstein was given.
When Russell later reproduced her research, he cited her thesis as the “most important research” he’d seen on the subject.
The real snub with Payne is that her title was “Technical Advisor” for 20 years despite being well regarded as a full time professor. It wasn’t until the 50’s she was recognized as a professor, when she was also made chair of the department. 5 months ago
They’re all like that. For some reason trying to make the men out as bad people… When nothing really happened. Wish people could try to appreciate women’s contributions without trying to diminish men’s contributions or create a false narrative. 5 months ago
Everything has to be a Hollywood production. It’s brainrot.