Comment on Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking 5 months agoThe only thing I looked for but could not find an answer on one way or the other is if Mozilla is making any sort of profit from this system. I would guess no but actually have no idea.
Fuck ad companies…
Mozilla bought an ad company (Anonym) shortly after implementing PPA. Their goal appears to be to pivot their revenue plan to (in part) being an ad company.
I’m absolutely convinced there’s a coordinated anti-Firefox astroturfing campaign going on lately.
I cannot know for sure whether that’s true or not, but a lot of very bad decisions have happened at Mozilla over the last six months and I think they’ve been the straw that’s broken the camel’s back. 5 months ago
Their acquisition of Anonym was all about acquiring the feature this article is about, PPA. Anonym created PPA. In fact Anonym seems to have been created for the explicit purpose of creating this privacy-respecting system as an alternative to cross-site tracking cookies. I see no reason to doubt Mozilla’s intentions here. 5 months ago
Sorry I thought they were a separate thing. Thanks for bringing it up.