Comment on stacked 5 months ago
I know it’s a meme but can somebody set me straight? I swear I read somewhere that this narrative started with the research community saying, essentially, “we know a number of ways in which they might have achieved this feat but we aren’t sure which one they used,” but the entertainment/conspiracy communities heard “there is no explanation for how these people were able to achieve this feat.” 5 months ago
It started with “we have no idea how they did it”. Then over time it morphed into “we have several hypotheses but don’t know if it any of those is realistic”. The current state of things is still there regarding the construction technique itself.
In the meantime the village where construction workers lived has been found. Now we know the profile or people who built the pyramids, how they lived and what they ate. Even some details about work organization.
All of this still didn’t propagate into the popular culture which is still stuck in the 1980s regarding pyramid knowledge. 5 months ago
Cool 5 months ago
Of course! Because otherwise it would mean all the mystique is gone! And if the mistique is gone, people can’t imagine they’re supposed to be starship landing pads!
Or lay-line powered aura cleansing structures.
Or part of an ancient technology global warning system.
Or a physical star chart pointing to the origins of the Egyptians.
Or hydrogen fusion power generators.
Or piezoelectric resonance generators.
Or… Some… Other things I probably forgot about. But it’s certainly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT a tomb of some egotistical man that believed himself a god on the Earth!