Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago
At one point I had been playing GTA V online pretty consistently when I had a cheater start targeting me. It was pretty frustrating and after 30 minutes of that I gave up and closed down for the day. I shifted my attention to other games after that. I definitely get that they want to stop cheaters - cheaters ruin the fun for others. It’s a shame that the new anti cheat has made it so that Steam Deck players are stuck unable to play online. 5 months ago
The very annoying this is that BattleEye supports Linux, rockstar has just apparently decided not to ask for that from BattleEye 5 months ago
Not that I particularly want to play it, but the Fortnite requirement has stopped me from installing Mint across some computers for kids for this reason as well.