Comment on OVIC finds department responsible for breaches of privacy through use of ChatGPT ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Some highlights from the report after briefly skimming through it.

  1. CPW1 indicated that they used ChatGPT regularly for around one month prior to the PA Report incident. CPW1 claimed that they used ChatGPT to save time and to present work more professionally.
  1. DFFH also interviewed staff in CPW1’s team. It was indicated that CPW1’s use of ChatGPT had been well known within the team for a period of around 3 – 4 months and possibly longer, and that they had demonstrated to other team members how it could be used. There were no admissions that other members of the team had used ChatGPT.
  1. Ultimately, DFFH found there were 100 cases with indicators that ChatGPT may have been used to draft child protection documents. The types of documents involved court reports, case notes, case plans and risk assessments…
  1. … DFFH identified that nearly 900 employees had accessed the ChatGPT website within this period. This represents almost 13 per cent of DFFH’s workforce of around 7,000 employees.

Copyright State of Victoria (Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner) CC BY 4.0

I find this information very distributing.
