Comment on Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai • Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools - Episode 12 discussion ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

I just finished up this show and felt like it deserved a final post, so here it is.

Overall, this show was frustrating. I feel like there is an interesting story here, but the anime was frankly not a great vehicle to tell it. So much of this story is just extremely polite conversations between people running businesses or tinkering with magical tools. The whole show gives off a lot of “this meeting could have been an email” vibes in that there is almost never any drama or tension around the running of the Rosetti company, but we still are witness to every step of the process. Like, if Dahlia is having a meeting with some workshop to figure out production numbers and everybody simply agrees to the proposal made by the trade guild person, why spend so long showing us all the details of that meeting?

I think that this kind of story would be better in text form because you can read it at your own pace. In anime form, most episodes felt like a slog to get through. Add on top of that the extremely static animation through the whole series and the boredom generator is complete.

There are things that I wanted to see more of in this show:

