Comment on The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket | Time Extension 5 months ago
i didnt know this website so i decided to have a quick look through their articles:…/saroo-a-usd60-sega-saturn-fla……/please-stop-buying-unofficial… Lol. 5 months ago
The second article seems actually reasonable. It even links to the first article. What it’s saying is that a Chinese company is butchering the already extremely limited number of working Sega Saturns in existence to resell them for use exclusively with their own brand of flash cart. So they basically remove the CD drive and hook up the cart directly or something. 5 months ago
I know, i did read them, it just seems absurd to keep a review up that tells people to buy them, and also at the same time do an article that talks about how those consoles are hurting the retro scene and you shouldnt buy them 5 months ago
Well to be more specific, you don’t have to fuck up the console to use the cart itself, which doesn’t seem to be the issue. You can wholly approve of the cart while disapproving of how a certain company is making bad use of them. 5 months ago
fair enough i guess, i still dont like that websites approach to the matter at the end of the day.