Comment on Qualcomm Approached Intel About a Takeover in Recent Days ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago


As someone who’s in the space and has been around Qcomm and their deals before.

It won’t happen.

They will flirt like you can’t imagine, they will propose, make offers, etc.

But closing the deal? No.

They are very smart, and Intel is too big for them to dismantle and exploit with value.

Their interest is not in Intel belonging to them, but in a large, Intel shaped hole in the market that they can attack, and their discussions are more likely about Intel’s roadmaps so they can understand how they could best exploit Intel’s fall.

They are unlikely to even hire some of Intel’s spoils, maybe a few strategic VPs, but… they’re just smart and ruthless and Intel is the dregs and bloated nowl.
