There’s a place for this, if it’s entertaining. Memes, comedy, maybe some more legitimate uses too. A lot of YouTube is some guy just sitting in front of a camera in the most boring perfectly curated home office. Throw in something visually interesting that enhances the subject matter and I may watch more.
Comment on An Avalanche of Generative AI Videos Is Coming to YouTube Shorts 5 months ago
Did anyone stop to ask themselves if we even would want to watch AI videos?
Of course not.
I, and I suspect many other people, watch YouTube for the people in the videos and their experiences (or at least the illusion of that). Watching fake videos defeats the whole purpose.
AITube sounds like nothing more than a kaleidoscope with extra steps. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Did anyone stop to ask themselves if we even would want to watch AI videos?
Of course not.
Shitty AI videos? No. Good ones? Sure. 5 months ago
I can’t even stand listening to the AI voice overs. This one yt chan does Dune and a bunch of other stuff I like to watch and listen to, but their use of an AI voice over reading their material just turned me off completely after 4 videos