Alright. Here’s my Daystrom Institute post on it.
Comment on A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager* 5 months ago
is that chakotay spike actually him, or the holodeck him from 7 of 9’s program? it’s been a while 5 months ago 5 months ago
I in general just kind of found the entire Seven-Chakotay romance really weird.
In my opinion, Seven wasn’t necessarily emotionally mature enough for a romantic relationship. I don’t mean to call Seven a child, but because she’d been part of the Borg since she was a kid, it meant Seven never learned some important social abilities. It’s not necessarily my place to judge, but I feel like Seven was nudged towards romantic relationships at a point in her life when she wasn’t necessarily ready.
Of course, this is really complicated, bordering on a c/DaystromInstitute question. You know, rather than boring you with the details, I’ll actually just go create that post real quick, assuming a suitable one doesn’t exist.
Also, I’m a just a bit bitter the whole Chakotay-Janeway thing never worked out. I get there was professionalism stuff, but dating your astrometrics officer is probably weirder. I usually don’t particularly root for couples in shows, but there was legitimate chemistry between Janeway and Chakotay, especially in VOY:Resolutions.