Cancer is a DNA mutation. Those mutations can be hereditary, random chance, or environmentally caused.
Comment on Coleoptera 4 ever 5 months ago
All cancer is toxin exposure. The cure has been known for a long time, no toxin exposure.
Butt…families of cancer victims vote for pollution and smoke, etc.
Lost a family member to cancer in a cancer cluster around a church-owned industrial plant.
When the cases piled up, they did like Jesus woukd do and moved to another state. Didn’t have money for raises for years because working for the Lord, but did hire consultants to fire employees and shut the plant down.
Keep believing us, we care, and we’re working on a cure until federal funding and charities run out of money.
Sponsored by your friends in the petrochemical industry. 5 months ago 5 months ago
The mutations can be from that list, but mostly in our current world it’s exposure to toxins.
Another toxin is media paving over real causes and making the story monetise curing. 5 months ago
Yeah I don’t know about the voracity of the statement ‘all cancer is toxin exposure’ you got a source to back that claim up? 5 months ago
As a society we are choosing to have industry that creates cancers to then be treated by another industry. 5 months ago
You can get skin cancer from sun exposure, does that mean the sun is a toxin? 🤔 5 months ago
No but it is a deadly laser 5 months ago
Not anymore there’s a blanket~