5 months ago
They use steel more effectively, but use other resources like wind, land, labor, and electronics less effectively, and all of which are harder to recycle. It also didn’t mention household or village scale as much as was still comparing very large grid scale systems, which is important as once you get much smaller than that energy efficiency falls off a cliff.
Finally, while a detailed look into a specific resource can be very interesting, it’s important to take a holistic look at how energy sources compare and not just evaluate on one figure.
Ultimately, as our ability to manufacture steel is not currently a major constraint to decarbonization, more important limitations like installation and maintenance costs are going to be dominant at least for the next few decades. Similarly as the low hanging fruit like electricity generation make up less and less of our collective GHG emissions, we’ll have more resources like plentiful wind energy to throw at problems like decarbonizing steel, as its still a problem will have to solve sooner or later. 5 months ago
Wind is a renewable resource. Saying wind is not easy to recycle is incoherent.
As for less labour-efficient, I’d’ve thought that’s part of solarpunk: being less capital-intensive/more labour-intensive. 5 months ago
Sonori is completely right here, and it feels in bad faith to critique the semantics of their comment rather than the substance of them.
One of the things that is difficult about solarpunk is that there is a huge divide between where we currently are and where we want/need to be. Smaller turbines for a more distributed power grid is a part of a great future to look towards! But it’s not the reality of our power demands now, which necessitate larger turbines and more steel production to meet any of our climate goals. Speaking coherently through that divide can really lead to mismatched expectations and miscommunications. 5 months ago
Livestock aren’t an efficient use of land in the first place, and you can absolutely graze around turbines, at least according to this:…/how-to-host-a-windfarm
It appears there are even advantages to crop farming under turbines:…/article_bb057e6c-e58b-5990-b4d5-62…
Obviously can’t do any aerial crop dusting around turbines.