Comment on Australia’s climate ambitions have a modern slavery problem as materials for renewable energy technology is likely sourced through forced labour in China, researchers say ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Just a short article by Australian scholars (March 2024):

Could spending a billion dollars actually bring solar manufacturing back to Australia? It’s worth a shot

The government will spruik jobs in the regions, especially where retiring coal plants such as Liddell in New South Wales will take jobs with them.

But there are other benefits. We could take better advantage of the talent and research knowhow in Australia to begin building next-generation cells.

If we can kickstart a viable solar industry, it would help us unlock other parts of the green economy. Cheap and plentiful solar power could make it viable to crack water to make green hydrogen or make green steel and aluminium.

Many of these initiatives have to be set in train now to gain the benefits in five or ten years’ time. Today’s announcement is just the start. But in a sun-drenched country, it makes sense to aim for the skies.
