Comment on Setting up a printer 5 months ago
I had similar printing issues with some filaments, due to heat creep. The printing would start ok on mine, but after the printer had been running awhile it would print like that. In my case heat was travelling up the hot end and Bowden tube, which was causing printing issues after a certain amount of time had passed.
There are a lot of things that can contribute to that, I ended up replacing my hot end and Bowden tube, and lowered my print temperature some.
220° is pretty high, I would try to figure out why it won’t print below that temperature and see what you can do to bring that down. 5 months ago
I’m using high quality filament. The low quality ones wouldn’t even print lol 5 months ago
It really sounds like you have a major problem with the printer that needs to be resolved. Without knowing any more details I would suggest making sure the nozzle isn’t clogged and possibly replacing the hot end. 5 months ago
It’s a new hot end and new nozzle, that’s why I pretty sure it can’t be a clog or hotend problem. It was having this issues before and I changed the whole hotend for a brand new 5 months ago
Huh, possibly bad extruder? If it’s got weak extrusion it might only be able to push it through the nozzle at higher temps. 5 months ago
What kind of printer is it? Do you maybe have a direct drive extruder while using Bowden style retraction settings?