It dosen’t copy, it’s abstract them into math, find relationships between them and the came back.
It’s not the same at what humans do, but is not just copying neither.
Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago
As others have said, it isn’t inspired always, sometimes it literally just copies stuff.
This feels like it was written by someone who invested their money in AI companies because they’re worried about their stocks
It dosen’t copy, it’s abstract them into math, find relationships between them and the came back.
It’s not the same at what humans do, but is not just copying neither.
It’s pretty much copying lol. It has no idea about patents, or unique ideas. It basically just takes every unique idea and pretends it invented them because it doesn’t understand
And that’s the problem
It’s basically just something that tries to take credit for everything.
That same description applies to downloading a zipped file.
I think you may have a much more generous understanding of the current capabilities of AI than what it’s actually capable of. It isn’t Data from Star Trek.
Pretty much. It’s just weird this whole thread Feels like it was written by a marketing person.
Developers used to get hounded for blockchain by sales people.
Now the same people have moved to AI. Companies love it mainly because they can steal work, summarise it a bit, and profit
It’s asinine yo compare AI with block chain. Block chain uses are very limited while my own 60 year old mother uses AI in her work. It depends on your work buts there’s immense use cases for AIs, and most people that use regularly can attest it’s a huge productivity boost even if it isn’t perfect and it has to be verified.
I also suggest you look up copyright laws. It’s clearly transformative. If collage is legal, how can AI not be?
Not to mention that we use AI already everyday. Any app that identifies songs, plants or insects uses AI. So does Google translate or your autocorrect on your phone (I’m not entirely certain about the second one).
If our government won’t force these companies to copyleft the models, the least they could do is not create a walled garden where only Microsoft and Google can afford to train models, something you are advocating without realizing. You are essentially being a mouthpiece for big AI companies and big data companies who are trying to shoot open source in the foot.
Individuals aren’t getting a dime, this is about if we can run these models on our PC or only through their subscription service. 5 months ago
Sometimes I’ve noticed Google’s AI overview is a nearly word for word copy of the highest reddit result, or any result. 5 months ago
I mean, that’s because googles AI over view is designed to summarize search results on a topic. On one hand that reduces the degree to which it will simply hallucinate, on the other sometimes the top search result is already as concise as it can be at the target grade level of writing. 5 months ago
God its so useless 5 months ago
The only times I’ve had it be remotely helpful is when you want something specific that’s going to appear near the top of search results and is also likely to be buried in a bunch of irrelevant faff. Which is to say that occasionally “search for X and summarize the top result” is a useful tool but not often enough for them to front and center it like they do.