Yes I did the same thing at my uni halls, said fuck paying for multi device, bought a router, named it like a phone hot-spot and never had issues.
In reality no one that works there is paid nearly enough to care about the ISP’s terms and conditions, and even if someone from the ISP comes to do maintainance or something, they won’t be there to snoop for rule breakers and even if they are, if the SSID looks like a phone hot-spot, they won’t care, and even if they do they’re not going to trace it back to you directly and even if they do, you have the email saying its okay which will shift any and all blame away from you.
So just go for it, there’s a 99.999999999999999999% chance you won’t get caught and even if you do you won’t get any blame because you asked the company. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Turn off SSID broadcasting entirely. Hidden networks require more technical expertise to discover than most people have.
The ISP techs will still be able to find it, but there’s little reason for them to go looking when nothing seems out of the ordinary. 5 months ago
This is what I was going to recommend. Worse case scenario the internet gets shut off and he has to email somebody and say he won’t do it again. Most likely that nobody will notice or care.