Comment on Any good games that break the mold 5 months ago
Man. I’ve been staring at this box trying to find the words for why you should play Pathologic 2. It’s hard, especially without spoiling anything. It is a game about a surgeon named artemy burakh who is tasked by fate to save a town from a plague. It is as if Russian Literature grew legs and used them to kick you in the dick. It is emotionaly a lot. It is skillfully a lot. It is mentally a lot and you are on a time limit and it is not fair. But it has a message for you. There is a beauty to that message and if I could I would force every person on this planet to experience it.
But you will have to bleed for it. Please play it. 5 months ago
Is this playable for someone who is a bit sensitive towards blood, but really sensitive towards arteries? 5 months ago
Blood plays a very large part in both the story and game
Arteries also play a very large part in both.
The game would definitely make you think and confront those sensitivities directly and often. 5 months ago
Thanks for the answer. Seems like I need to skip this one. Shame since it looks really cool 5 months ago
Just Incase it could make you reconsider, the game is disturbing in a myriad of ways, basically designed to touch deeply any person who engaged with it. It should be thought of less as a game ment to be enjoyable and more like art that you “should” experience. Though I understand it isn’t for everyone. Hell, vast majority of people who think it is for them dont finish the first day of the game. But there is a message in that game worth seeing. Either way, I had to try one more time. I respect your decision either way.