Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 4 months ago
I feel like a lot of people on Trump’s side don’t care and all of his issues have been documented in the press. If people cared, he wouldn’t be this close.
You also have enough people left of Harris who don’t want to hold their collective noses and vote for her. They’ll complain about the Overton window shifting right, but won’t be a bulwark for keeping it from shifting right. Hell, there are people on Lemmy complaining about political utilitarianism as a reason for voting for Harris and will even complain about Bernie if he says something being done by the Biden administration is good. 4 months ago
it’s so frustrating. I admit I used to vote green, but the entry of Trump opened my eyes. Things like judge appointments, incremental advances in fighting climate change, and NOT having a seditionist as president are all issues we can’t afford to lose on in the next 4 years just for some rhetorical vote for the Green Party. 4 months ago
Demand ranked choice voting and make sure you are doing so locally 4 months ago
move to maine, and you’ll have it.
Realistically, you shouldn’t move to maine, and you should popularize moving towards something like IRV instead of FPTP