Comment on Does a clean PC run better than one with a lot of dust in it? 5 months agoOh, I labeled the cords & disconnected them to clean. Slid the side off to give everything a thorough shine!
Problem is: this cables connect to this big ho. 4 months ago
It’s meant to be right behind/in the big rectangular hole. It should have some screw holes on the side where it connects to the outlet (likely also has a power switch) that match up with the ones in the case. It looks like there’s an optical drive in the way though. If you like I can try my best to circle them for you.
I’d love (hate) to see the computer with the side panel open. 4 months ago
Fan too big. ): 4 months ago
If it works don’t fix it. Only issue might be extra dust but it sounds like there’s no solving that issue in your computer.