It sure feels like we’re at the peak of the Gartner hype cycle. If so, the bubble will pop, and we’ll end up with AI used where it actually works, not shoved into everything. In the long run, that pop could be a small blip in overall development, like the dot-com bust was to the growth of the internet, but it’s difficult to predict that while still in the middle of the hype cycle. 5 months ago
What I don’t get is the snobby attitude towards it though. I’ve commented else where that it has all the hallmarks of being a manufactured outrage. It has all the same earmarks of any other media driven hate fest. 5 months ago
Allow me to offer reasons why: just like the blockchain before, the usage of resources is absurd (which is infuriating) for something that barely works (which is laughable), and the tech is being pushed by the same loathable and arrogant grifters that lead us into a wall at full throttle with crypto.
I’m not just snobbing the naive optimists: I’m actually mad at them for what they’re doing to the environment. 5 months ago
What crypto wall? Isn’t it back up?
I’d rather have all the AI and crypto than any streaming service or social media that everyone who complains about resources seems to use freely. 5 months ago
I do despise billionaires with their private jets, or owners of gigantic pickup trucks that use them to shop for groceries. I can be mad at multiple things at the same time. It’s not mutually exclusive. And it’s definitely not manufactured.