They are the frogs got baited into the Luke-warm water; once they are in the water, they gonna turn on the heat. The bait is getting hard recently with Xinjiang Travel incident (cannot find English news, this is the Chinese one:…/tw-youtuber-xinjiang-08272024072943.htm…). While trying to fina a news link, accidentally clicking in a so-called Xinjiang Travel vlog, and holy shit it is filled with Chinese bots….
Also, I read your article, and your comparison is weird; the graph inside already shows 31.5% for leaning towards independence and only 7.4% towards reunion in 2021
You know Radio Free Asia is literally funded by the CIA? It is the very definition of non-credible.
The graph shows the overwhelming majority want the status quo for now, with only ~10% wanting immediate independence. That portion would be a lot higher, and the “reunification now+eventually” segments would be almost zero if China’s ambition was genocidal.
would be almost zero if China’s ambition was genocial
Sorry I really laughed out load for this. I will tell you why there are such people: because that’s how Chinese works. As long as you don’t talk about politics and any conflicts around China, they just look like normal people, they are kind and cheerful; but when you actually touched on the topic, they just turn into genocidal psychopaths. As a Chinese myself, this just made me stop talking about politics in the public; even when they try to move to a political topic like Messi Mess, I will just try to move to other topics 6 months ago
C’mon, that’s absurd, if the PRC wanted to murder everyone living in the RoC they wouldn’t be letting them travel freely to and from the mainland. 6 months ago
They are the frogs got baited into the Luke-warm water; once they are in the water, they gonna turn on the heat. The bait is getting hard recently with Xinjiang Travel incident (cannot find English news, this is the Chinese one:…/tw-youtuber-xinjiang-08272024072943.htm…). While trying to fina a news link, accidentally clicking in a so-called Xinjiang Travel vlog, and holy shit it is filled with Chinese bots….
Also, I read your article, and your comparison is weird; the graph inside already shows 31.5% for leaning towards independence and only 7.4% towards reunion in 2021 6 months ago
You know Radio Free Asia is literally funded by the CIA? It is the very definition of non-credible.
The graph shows the overwhelming majority want the status quo for now, with only ~10% wanting immediate independence. That portion would be a lot higher, and the “reunification now+eventually” segments would be almost zero if China’s ambition was genocidal. 6 months ago
Oh, non-credible? Then let me just give you other sources:
Sorry I really laughed out load for this. I will tell you why there are such people: because that’s how Chinese works. As long as you don’t talk about politics and any conflicts around China, they just look like normal people, they are kind and cheerful; but when you actually touched on the topic, they just turn into genocidal psychopaths. As a Chinese myself, this just made me stop talking about politics in the public; even when they try to move to a political topic like Messi Mess, I will just try to move to other topics