Self hosting email is a bitch, but professional email hosting is pretty darn cheap. A hosting provider may not be perfect but at least their business is protecting your data and not selling it, paying for a product with money instead of your data.
Self hosting email is a bitch, but professional email hosting is pretty darn cheap. A hosting provider may not be perfect but at least their business is protecting your data and not selling it, paying for a product with money instead of your data. 5 months ago
And that’s my whole hisifit with email. Number 1, I literally haven’t used email for anything personal at all for a long long time. So maybe it’s not even worth trying to get emails to be stored sent and received from my house. But one thing I would like to try is to setup a webmail system at my house to receive my Gmail emails so I can erase them from Gmail but still have them available for search if I want. That would be a good compromise. It’s amazing to me that no easy to install server exists right now that can do this. I think round cube can do it but it beats me how to get that done.