Comment on Telegram CEO's arrest sparks flurry of questions over motivation, privacy impact. 5 months agoBecause almost nobody uses Matrix compared to Telegram. And it’s not even about if some people can slip through the fingers of western intel services, it’s about controlling the narrative and putting the clamps on information and telegram is almost as much of a news site as it’s a live chat. Telegram is just popular enough that it pokes holes into narratives and harms the mainstream media bubble. 5 months ago
Telegram also amplifies narratives by governments which they don’t know how to present via TV and such.
It allows for government propaganda and trolling to look grassroots.
At least in Russia the actual bulk of government propaganda (and activity in the opposite direction too) happens in TG, being supposedly not official. Also the biggest Russian-language channels aimed at some other CIS countries are most likely directly controlled by their governments or sometimes biggest opposition groups (of the “oligarchy” kind).
It may be hard to believe, but maybe people who arrested Durov are trying to improve the world.