- Comment on AI image-generator Midjourney blocks images of Biden and Trump as election looms 11 months ago:
A real perpetrator will have a local LLM running like stable diffusion and will not need Midjourneys SAAS. Alone for opsec reasons will no adversary use a US hosted platform to create their propaganda. This will stop domestic jokers, but will not stop concerted foreign operations in any way.
- Comment on Keywords tried to make a game using GenAI but said the tech was 'unable to replace talent' 11 months ago:
Bought to you by:
- The 50’s, where every utensil from car to ovens will have it’s own nuclear reactor in the future
- The 60’s, where Mankind soon will travel through starsystems and vacations on the moon are possible
- The 70’s, where people thought that in a few years Neutron-Brains will be created that work just like the human brain
- The 80’s, where it was said that in the year 2000 we will have flying cars and hoverboards
- The 90’s, where the internet took off and soon nobody will ever send letters again
- The 00’s, that soon self driving cars will take over all transport business
- The 10’s, where a magical working all-knowing Siri/Alexa/Cortana voice will be the way people will interact with at home and on the go
- Now the 20’s, where AI will be able to recreate talent and come up with genuine new ideas never before seen by mankind
I do not think AI can recreate talent or art. AI can imitate art and copy already existing art and melt it to something new. But an Artist-AI can not take two noses of coke, one bottle of vodka and come up with a novel new concept of creative work. Sure it will come up with things never seen before, but will it resonate with people or will it just be weird, quirky or empty? It is not enough to render an image of a diamond skull, you actually have to build it like Damien Hirst. Artist of the type of Banksy, Dali and Francis Bacon will not get replaced by AI. AI will not stand in the streets spraying walls, AI will not get off board off a ship in New York holding a human-long bread and AI will certainly not be able to draw triptychs of pain and suffering based on the death of his friend. AI will copy something that looks like it, but it will not have the “Talent” or the depth to make it believable and knit a story around it and know the people to communicate to. It most certainly will be used to subvert people on social media to vote against their interests and radicalize opinions. That is it’s talent.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Me for the rest of the week:
- Comment on Russian student jailed for naming his wi-fi network "Slava Ukraini!" which means "Glory to Ukraine!" 11 months ago:
Imagine living in a country with such thin skin where you get punished for something like a wifi name. What sore losers. Imagine having to write that report and not once thinking “I think we are the bad guys…”. They are all afraid and weak when they should be brave and overpower their misguided leaders.
- Comment on Princess of Wales: Kate image withdrawn by four news agencies amid 'manipulation' concerns 11 months ago:
Dont forget the last paragraph:
One more note about the shot … Kate is seated, as 10-year-old Prince George stands behind his mother. So, for those of you who have BBL on your “What’s up with Kate” bingo cards … we can’t rule it out. Just sayin’ …
All you need to know.
- Comment on China trying to 'normalise' military drills near Taiwan, island's top security official says 11 months ago:
They learned from russia. It was a big failure the amass thousands of soliders and equipment near the border to ukraine in Oct/Nov 2021 and claim “it’s just a exercise”. Nobody believed that, as there were not exercises of that size in the past with that structure. China knows they have to hold drills for a plausible deniability on troops and equipment in the region, of they want to have a successfull first strike opportunity. Not having drills and equipment in the region will raise alarms when they suddenly move it there.
To dampen the war drums: On the other side, china needs the drills. China had not fought a war for 50 years. You have to realize that literally none of their generals to soldiers currently in position have ever fought in a real war. Their only experience are their drills. So maybe it is just gesture or actual training. We will know when they will try to hongkong the Taiwanese island.
- Comment on Microsoft says it hasn't been able to shake Russian state hackers 11 months ago:
Always has been
- Comment on Without fail 1 year ago:
I hate it so much. I always say “I just assume you all see my screen, as you can see…”. Screen sharing works in what? 99% of cases? We do not need to ask if everyone can see my screen and let 1-10 people answer that stupid question. The modus operandi is that this software works in the vast majority of cases and the recipients just need to know that I started sharing my screen and that it will in 99% of cases work just fine. Let them speak up for the 1% of times where it does not work.
- Comment on Are dating apps fuelling addiction? Lawsuit against Tinder, Hinge and Match claims so 1 year ago:
Lawsuit against Tinder, Hinge and Match
It’s all the same company: Match Group, [sic]
Match Group is an American internet and technology company headquartered in Dallas, Texas.[1] It owns and operates the largest global portfolio of popular online dating services including Tinder,, Meetic, OkCupid, Hinge, Plenty of Fish, OurTime, and other dating global brands.[2] The company was owned by IAC until July 2020 when Match Group was spun off as a separate, public company. As of 2019, the company had 9.3 million subscribers, of which 4.6 million were in North America.[3] Japan is the company’s second largest market, after the United States.[4]
- Comment on Twitter front-end Nitter dies as Musk wins war against third-party services 1 year ago:
Well, that is sad and incontrovertible argument. I guess I should cherish it as long as I can.
- Comment on Twitter front-end Nitter dies as Musk wins war against third-party services 1 year ago:
How come every 3 weeks there is a news that nitter is now dead, and then I go to the Nitter Instance Health Monitor, pick a random instance, and am still able to surf tweets?
I dont get it. Is this wishfull thinking or do people not understand that instances other than exist?
- Comment on Russian Dreams of De-Dollarization Stutter as Chinese Banks Threaten To Cut Off Putin’s Only Remaining Economic Lifeline 1 year ago:
That is not true. Russia never tried to join NATO. Putin just had a talk in the beginning of his reign with NATO heads about joining, but it was never publicly debated in russia and never applied officially.
Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ And [Robertson] said: ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ And he said: ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.’”
After the orange revolution in 2004 in ukraine and the protests for more democracy in 2007 in Moscow, Putin was very angry and offended by his own citizens. By many journalists accounts, after those protests Putin developed a strong distrust and grudge against his own citizens and was most likely the tipping point of his authoritarian alignment to china.
- Comment on Russian Dreams of De-Dollarization Stutter as Chinese Banks Threaten To Cut Off Putin’s Only Remaining Economic Lifeline 1 year ago:
Russia and China were the last two big eastern communist blocks. They have nothing do do with communism since at least two decades as it failed hard and fully transformed themself to a authoritarian model with a strong capitalist outer core to benefit the elites (like in the west), yet they still are in a treaty of “friendship and cooperation” (2001 and 2021 treaty).
China gains a lot off this friendship. An unstable russia could break up and in worst case could bring russia into NATO sphere of influence in a time span of 30-40 years and would bring NATOs outer border to chinas north. It is in their best interest to not let this happen. Ever. Or if it happens, take control of the eastern parts of russia to create a buffer zone to avoid NATO controlling nearly all of the northern hemisphere of the globe.
Russia, gains nothing from it. Russia would profit the most if they would align (back) to the west, like in the last 300 years, and sell their goods to a high value market and gain mind and heart to develop further their standard of living and production. Right now Russia benefits of chinas friendship only in ways, that it would not need if russia could dial down it’s anti-west-america-is-the-enemy mindset that they groomed for roughly 50 years and was on the tipping point for 10 years and with putin tipped fully back to the old anti-west stance. The reason are a complex mixture of old communist ideas and russians mindset of seeing russia as world power because they “won the war” (by the help of the US via the lend-lease act of 1941).
China still holding a grudge that the US supported the Republic of China that fled to Taiwan. There is no question that China will continue to feed russia as long as possible for whatever the cost will be. The keystone lays on russia and their citizens and if they tolerate their suppression or might try out a more modern form of government one day. They are the most influenced, controlled, deceived and manipulated citizens on the planet right now, as their actions decide on the biggest change for the coming history. Chinas influence to not change the status quo will be immense. We already can see how china helps russia to convert its state in a similar surveillance society, to detect cracks early and suppress any movements of the broad public in their infant stage.
TLDR: China will never cut off financial/military/technological aid to their biggest land-buffer against the west.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
For me it is so weird, that you have to use extra tools to disable telemetry and unwanted features in windows systems. Why is windows not giving me a central option to decide on those things? Is it maybe because they do not want me to decide for myself and therefore splitting the places where I need to disable all that unwanted stuff as opaque as possible? Can they be more obvious that they do not value your opinion on how you want your OS to behave?
Quit Windows. It is a dead end and get worst with every release.
- Comment on Apple broke web apps in iOS 17 beta and hasn't fixed them 1 year ago:
oops they did it again.
Imagine a webview integration in performance and api on par of app-niveau.
Imagine every app could be as easily opened/reached/surfed-to as a website.
The crippling of the Webview Engine on Mobile spawned the success of the AppStore/PlayStore.
They didn’t had an AppStore. But they realized the potential. They went for it. Apple promoted HTML5 (Draft 2007, Initial release 2008) as the new technology for everything UI, killed Flash with it, and were left with a free path for a marketplace with binary applications vending with advanced performance and permission structures than the browser market was able to create. HTML5 lays in a ditch with a knife in its back, idling of its latest 5.2 release (2017). Look at this table (wiki). Is this what a sprawling, innovative, free and healthy release tree looks like for a 16 year periode where millions of developers create stunning HTML5 Applications that are on par with Apps? No. And Apple wanted it like that since they knew what they had in their Hands in 2006 with their first mobile-internet-touchscreen-prototypes that later became the iPhone. They were part of the HTML5 Development and even brought their own Webkit Engine to the table. They knew they need Applications on a mobile device. But as soon they found out after the release, that the AppStore is a viable way to have a walled garden and saw the revenue estimations, they stabbed HTML5 in the back and even took protectorate approaches to not let the webview alternative strive, even tho it was their own creation they helped to build up and now had to constrain in a cage.
They crippled the Webview and therefore the web and what people were able (or allowed) to do on a mobile web or make out of a mobile web. And the key to keeping it in check, was not allowing any other engine on the phone, other than their own (caged) webkit engine, to clamp down on limiting what a mobile webview experience was able to deliver.
- Comment on PSA: You can block instances in your settings (last tab) if your instance is running version 0.19.X 1 year ago:
what I crave for is blocking certain links/websites. Nobody should ever need to see or click a NYPost Link.
- Comment on Microsoft sneaks ads into the new Outlook for Windows 1 year ago:
Hi, we are sorry to hear you are not satisfied with our ad service. We always strive to bring you the best user experience on the web and in your Windows Operating System. We want to offer you a 10% discount on your next purchase for a 24 month Office365-VPN Home Suite: [STAYSAVE10]. We hope you like us more now. Thank you for reading this ad.
- Comment on Rishi Sunak considers curbing social media use for under-16s | Social media | The Guardian 1 year ago:
aka “please do not hang around with your peer and get woke, please only get the views by your tory parents and after that, go into social media and defend the things your parents indoctrinated you with”
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
It is crazy how in a country where everyone sues everyone all the time things like that happen. I had assumed that such a system would lead to a more robust system where every manager to ceo is vetting their business against these problems to not get sued. Apparently the liberal system of suing anyone all the time does not at all replaces a governmental body that defines strong consumer protection rights. Reading this, Turbotax and Wells Fargo News teaches me that a suing society is not cleansing itself from predatory behaviour.
- Comment on Threads is officially starting to test ActivityPub integration 1 year ago:
- Comment on China starts up world's first fourth-generation nuclear reactor 1 year ago:
Another quality post for the history of your character.
- Comment on China starts up world's first fourth-generation nuclear reactor 1 year ago:
My favorite about your account is the triad of posting in a thread about nuclear energy, then saying “I believe they should be tortured even more” on a different topic and then stating “This places becomes more reddit each day.”.
Babe, this place was fine before you came here bringing all that reddit energy. You know, when wherever you go, you meet idiots, maybe you are the idiot. Keep winning boy.
- Comment on Grandfathered YouTube Premium users will see price increase in January 1 year ago:
MobileAndroid - Comment on Moscow Bans QR Codes in Billboards Over Navalny’s Anti-Putin Campaign 1 year ago:
Republicans blush at the amount of bans and cancellations of culture Russia is pushing out. The way Putin is dictating their citizens on how to live and what to say is the wet dream of the republican party.
- Comment on 23andMe is updating its TOS to force binding arbitration with a limited opt-out window 1 year ago:
Yes, but every other “oopsies” that will happen to your DNA Data will cost them a “We’re so Sorry”-Card and a Hershey’s Kiss per Customer. And there will be oopsies in the future. It was a way to voluntary get people to submit their DNA Data with the Bogus claim to “find out where your came from”. But the value for the medicine (read: Pharma industry) is much much bigger. My Sister submitted her DNA to them. They now know the genetic probability of illnesses of my whole Family-Tree including mine and everyone else in the Family up and down. And not only they know, but everyone who is using the “leaked” Data. Thank you Sister.
- Comment on Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app 1 year ago:
I can not find anything in there. I can not favorite messages to find them again. It is a hole where everything your write is virtually there, but practically lost.
- Comment on Rishi Sunak vows to face down Tory rebels on smoking ban 1 year ago:
Rishi Sunak vows to face down Tory rebels doing anything that is costing his friends money
- Comment on GitHub: Can no longer search code without being logged in 1 year ago:
Hey Guys, Microsoft is cool now, they really care for Open Source now, they changed.
How do people always forget, how often they get fucked by that company in the last 20 years, that they think anything changed? They still abuse their monopoly, they still buy up the work of others and they still will then dilute it down for their bottom line and restrict it to force you to use a login to harvest data on your profile (see also Windows).
Everyone who said it’s cool that MS bought Github, because they are now Pro-Open-Source: Can we please have a round table every 2 years and talk. Because I think you guys are victims of the Stockholm syndrome and do not even notice.
- Comment on Sleeper trains are making a comeback. Why are ours being axed? 1 year ago:
Your review can be summarized in short: Waggons have not been updated since 40 years. Maybe they should update their waggons. Oh, they axed that plan. Again. See you here next year. And the year after.
- Comment on Looking for a good Data Logger. Suggestions? 1 year ago:
The Original Saleae logic analyzer or one of its clones.