neurodivergent queer luddite technologist
- Comment on Is it irrational for me to hate and despise every single American at this point? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is it irrational for me to hate and despise every single American at this point? 2 weeks ago:
roughly 32% of (eligible to vote) americans voted for trump
that’s hardly “most”
- Comment on I love all my statements equally. (I don't care for GOTO) 1 year ago:
- Comment on Sometimes there is a better choice than Javascript 1 year ago:
whoa whoa whoa
how can we have a flamewar if youre going to be all reasonable like that
- Comment on Sometimes there is a better choice than Javascript 1 year ago:
oh i never considered that reading of the quote
i read it as more: complaints about a language, particularly the amount of complaints, don’t mean it is a Bad Language that should be dropped in favor of something else
in fact the complaints validate that the language is being used by people, and that is imo a decent proxy metric for the usefulness of the language
so please complain about your languages’ shortcomings! i hate so many things about terraform / sh / python / golang / java and will gladly rant at length, and then go right back to using them
except groovy
fuck groovy
- Comment on Sometimes there is a better choice than Javascript 1 year ago:
There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.
- Comment on ways to close vim 1 year ago: