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Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches
- Comment on You might get a discount or free coffee but you’re also being played by the multi-billion dollar gamification industry. 6 months ago:
Edited. Good call.
- Comment on You might get a discount or free coffee but you’re also being played by the multi-billion dollar gamification industry. 6 months ago:
I got you, fam(ily). It has a real smooth, simple ring to it. ;)
- Comment on You might get a discount or free coffee but you’re also being played by the multi-billion dollar gamification industry. 6 months ago:
Temu: Boil the Oceans by shipping useless trinkets thousands of miles over the oceans using the world’s worst polluting container ships… like a billionaire.
- Comment on US concerned NASA will be overtaken by China's space program 1 year ago:
Judging by the state of the US, you’re much more likely to be right than I am, you cynical bastard!
- Comment on Ghost in a car shell: Engineers make self-driving vehicles 'hallucinate' at will — MadRadar is worrying proof-of-concept that should get automotive companies on alert 1 year ago:
- Comment on Ghost in a car shell: Engineers make self-driving vehicles 'hallucinate' at will — MadRadar is worrying proof-of-concept that should get automotive companies on alert 1 year ago:
Trains are awesome and I fully support them but let’s not be idealistic here and pretend that self driving cars don’t exist.
- Comment on Ghost in a car shell: Engineers make self-driving vehicles 'hallucinate' at will — MadRadar is worrying proof-of-concept that should get automotive companies on alert 1 year ago:
Any other implementation puts profits over human lives.
- Comment on How do you manage your dotfiles? 1 year ago: