- Comment on How is the US able to instantly stop an attack from Iran but powerless when Israel attacks hospitals? 10 months ago:
There are no more hospitals in Gaza (because Israel destroyed every single one). And they have yet to show any evidence of Hamas using the hospitals as military bases.
- Comment on I tried touching grass, but I don't think it worked out well for the grass 10 months ago:
This is the second comment I’ve seen you make that are just like this. You a bot or something?
- Comment on The eclipse shadow travels on the ground at about 2300 mph, so you could follow it with an SR-71. 11 months ago:
Fixed 🤜🤛
- Comment on The eclipse shadow travels on the ground at about 2300 mph, so you could follow it with an SR-71. 11 months ago:
Small plane ask speed, it slow Bigger plane ask speed, it faster Jet plane ask speed, it fasterer SR71 plane ask speed, it fastest
- Comment on Tenacious flu 1 year ago:
OP probably meant that they are days you don’t need to justify (doctors note) to your manager.
- Comment on NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft 1 year ago:
The Sonic Boom will sound more like your neighbours car door closing than an explosion
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
But if you didn’t know about it in advance, that system would be useful
- Comment on Two types 1 year ago:
It’s also often better for the budget to do 1 big shop once in a while, instead of smaller more sporadic trips
- Comment on Apple is now banned from selling its latest Apple Watches in the US 1 year ago:
What would be interesting to see would be to force apple to buy back the product at 100% the value they sold it for
- Comment on What was the original use of the ‘☠️’ emoji 1 year ago:
The one you’re probably thinking of is just the skull 💀 not the skull and bones ☠️. The skull on it’s own means “dead” metaphorically, often from “dying of laughter” or dying of cringe depending on the contexts
- Comment on Spread of gang violence wrecks Sweden's peaceful image 1 year ago:
At first I thought it might be due to the lower population, so each instance is more felt, but I did the math to see and it surprised me:
So far in 2023:
At least 50 fatalities have occurred in relation to gang wars (shootings, explosions etc.) There are around 10 million people in Sweden.
50/10,000,000 = 0.000005, or rather 1/200,000
In the US, there have been 35,000 fatalities in relation to guns (I’m not well versed in US death statistics, so please correct me if I’m wrong) there are around 340 million people in the US.
35,000/340,000,000 = 0.0001029411764, or rather 7/68000
- Comment on Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates 1 year ago:
Bad for Google, good for the world
- Comment on Passive Salt Water Cooling Boosts CPU Performance by Almost 33% 1 year ago:
What else would they be comparing to?
Passive cooling will never bypass active cooling so the comparison would never be worthwhile.
- Comment on i'd watch this anime 1 year ago:
Harvestmen aren’t spiders if that helps
- Comment on Were can find a list of Safe Sites where buy Seam Games/Keys/Bundles?? 1 year ago:
I’ve never had any issues with Humble, CDKeys and Kinguin.
- Comment on Swedish Ports Threaten to Block Teslas From Entering the Country 1 year ago:
Elon would just respond to that with claims that Sweden is a Nazi country and suggest that Putin needs to invade for the good of the world
- Comment on New videos of Tesla Cybertruck off-roading appear to show it struggling to climb up a steep dirt hill 1 year ago:
I mean that is the source.
- Comment on Any idea what Google are doing? Is this because I dont use Chrome (use Firefox)? I've no adblockers. 1 year ago: ?
- Comment on Telltale Games has reportedly laid off most of their staff 1 year ago:
Genuinely thought they folded years ago
- Comment on Report: Amazon made $1B with secret algorithm for spiking prices Internet-wide 1 year ago:
I don’t know enough about isthereanydeal, but camelcamelcamel uses Amazon API, so the extent of their fuckery is likely concealed.
- Comment on If you were to turn into food, what food will you turn into? 1 year ago:
Frozen pizza, seems nice when thinking about, but once dealt with leaves a disappointing feeling that it’s not quite what you were after
- Comment on SpaceX Might Have Lost 200+ Starlink Satellites In Just 2 Months Shows Data 1 year ago:
One can hate Musk and Starlinks separately.
They ruin our night sky and make Kessler syndrome worse and worse.
- Comment on Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy 1 year ago:
That’s odd, you shouldn’t need another account. I’ve even made posts from this account to another instance
- Comment on TikTok Is Spending $1.3 Billion to Dodge Bans in Europe 1 year ago:
Bad title, they’re just doing what is required by law.
- Comment on Anyone Else Having a Blast? 1 year ago:
I’m nearly 50 hours in already (and haven’t played at all today, yet 😎) and having so much fun with the game, barely even touched the main story because I’m so fixated on rebuilding my ship constantly
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
Many Tory’s wanted it to happen so they could create a corporation-haven of sorts without the EU having a say in it. Essentially getting rid of “annoying” regulations that keeps people safe.