- Comment on Stacks for Simple Static Sites 1 year ago:
That’s interesting, Hugo is the only SSG I’ve had luck with so far. I’m kind of stuck on Docusaurus at work and it’s a disaster.
On the face of things they’re all so simple, but aren’t documented well for users new to SSGs, and the build often spits out something unexpected with no way to figure out why.
- Comment on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Simple Websites 1 year ago:
I know I’m not part of the target audience for pretty sites, but the average user gets frustrated with poor design choices and outright broken websites as well.
Just as one recent and therefore present example, I was on a pretty site the other day and nothing happened when I clicked on “About Us”. The next thing I did was close the tab. As you say, first impressions mean a lot.
I hear complaints about these kind of things at work constantly as well. As an internal product owner of sorts users think I and the devs make poor design choices on our own, but all we can do is manage the best we can with the UX garbage Microsoft comes up with.
- Comment on Dishwasher guide: salt will harm the stainless steel lining. What about salt water in stainless steel pots? 1 year ago:
I can’t imagine it’s particularly food safe to leave your starchy pasta water out for a few days and then reuse it.
In any case it’s far less salty than what could potentially happen in the dishwasher with a relatively large amount of the decalcifying salt and a couple drops of water.
Worst case you can polish and re-passivate your stainless steel cookware, but it shouldn’t come to that.
- Comment on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Simple Websites 1 year ago:
Pretty sites are cool and all, but in my experience super simple things often just don’t work. I’m not patient anymore when it comes to stuff like that, so I’ll close the tab real quick and find the information elsewhere or move on to the next thing.
- Comment on Opinions? 1 year ago:
Forgejo is a git server, forked by Codeberg from Gitea after Gitea got bought up by a for-profit corporation.
Codeberg is a non-profit organization which runs a public instance of the Forgejo git server.
You can make an account on, save repos there, and contribute to other repos, like on Github. Or you can run your own Forgejo instance to use either privately or open up to public use.