- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
Not anymore for most pilots. Pay has skyrocketed.
- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
That thankfully isn’t true anymore. Pilots are now very highly compensated from the jump.
- Comment on Turquoise taillights tell you this Mercedes is driving autonomously 1 year ago:
Found the person who doesn’t own a Tesla.
My Tesla did monumentally stupid things on the regular on autopilot. Like phantom braking. It would slam on the brakes while doing 65 on the highway because of shadows. You’d be flying over my hood in your bike.
- Comment on The salaries of Wikimedia executives are sparking an online debate about tech sector wages 1 year ago:
The max bracket starts at $693k for married couples filing jointly. The vast majority of couples making $1M-10M are not running that that income through an LLC and shuffling into trusts and businesses. That definitely happens - not with ordinary income, which is what those tax brackets are for. It predominantly happens with people putting assets in trusts (i.e. stock). There are ways to play games with ordinary income, but it’s much, much harder.
- Comment on The salaries of Wikimedia executives are sparking an online debate about tech sector wages 1 year ago:
I did not say they should get paid 100s of times more. In fact I said the opposite.
But it’s not a leap to imagine someone who manages people has an outsized impact (on average) on the performance of the business relative to the people they manage. They set direction and goals - and while it isn’t more important than the individuals doing the work to achieve the goals, on average it has a larger impact.
Cushy office job or not, managing people is a shit ton of work, work you don’t have as an IC. It’s work that is often done after you do your day job. There are shitty managers just like there are shitty ICs, but if you’re talking in generalities, the percentages are probably similar.
- Comment on The salaries of Wikimedia executives are sparking an online debate about tech sector wages 1 year ago:
They are probably still a little low - but there’s a giant gap between $400k and $200M.
If you believe that a lot more lower level people should make $150-200k, their manager should probably make more, and their manager should probably make more, and their manager should probably make more, and the CEO should probably make more.
Money that isn’t paid to employees is paid to shareholders or squandered on stupid stuff.
Their CEOs should make more, and their regular employees should make more.
- Comment on Made an enclosure for my beepy. I think enclosures are my favourite part of printing 1 year ago:
Not just any keyboard and display, looks like they are gutting old Blackberry Bolds and slapped a pi zero in it.
- Comment on Meta and Microsoft say they will buy AMD's new AI chip as an alternative to Nvidia's 1 year ago:
I mean, this is kinda the free market at work? Nvidia built and dominated a market, and AMD and Intel are pouring billions in to give people an alternative which will drive prices down?
- Comment on U.S. issues warning to NVIDIA, urging to stop redesigning chips for China 1 year ago:
nvidia is a US company. They are subject to ITAR regulations.
They need non-Chinese IP to build their GPUs and fab them (ie TSMC).
China is a big market, but still smaller than the US and Europe by quite a bit.
- Comment on Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time. 1 year ago:
It also benefits the upper middle class. And middle class in HCOL areas.
It should be adjusted based on cost of living.
Making $150k in NYC is like making $50k in middle america.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Hard anodized aluminum is sealed with something, often teflon.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Nope. It’s exactly the same process - it’s just Type III not type II.
The sealer is what makes it non porous. That sealer is usually teflon that wears off.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
Except that it’s half a percent. It’s another half a penny on every dollar.
It’s not huge by any stretch.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
You’re quite right, I’m a dummy.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
3/522, no reason to multiply by 100. Not sure why you are.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
I don’t know what in that sentence gives you the confidence to call me a warmonger.
And also, no, it wont really. Unless you redefine “huge difference”. We spend $522B on social/economic assistance programs at the federal level. So a 0.005% increase? Hardly a huge difference.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
It’s been a closer to 3B for a while. Against a budget of $1T. It’s not even a rounding error.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
Of course not. But none of that changes the fact that your taxes, in part, pay for what the government spends money on.
For state taxes, where the states don’t control monetary policy, it’s even less true. But it’s not really true for the federal government either.
Everyone who is paid in USD or pays in USD, in addition to people who pay taxes, pay for whatever we spend money on in one way or another.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
I mean this is a cute clever thing that sounds smart that isn’t.
The government pays for things. The government funds that through monetary policy that includes printing money, as well as raising money via taxes. Whether the government deletes a dollar you give them and prints another dollar vs transferring the dollar you gave them into their spending budget is super irrelevant.
It’s functionally the same and either way, your tax dollar, whether “deleted” and replaced or transferred is still your proportional allocation of funding.
This is real “I’m very smart” vibes.
- Comment on This sign says it all. 1 year ago:
That’s what causes inflation. When you print more than you delete, at a rate faster than total economic growth.
- Comment on Admit it there are some bangers. 1 year ago:
I think both those things are too extreme. Maybe not every season, especially with short seasons now, but certainly they’ve earned more than one based on execution for both.
The crossover episode was great and the musical was superb, I thought. I don’t want that every episode, but I could handle once a season, but one every other is probably better.
- Comment on Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all seven counts 1 year ago:
He mostly made rich people a lot of money. They are probably up overall on FTX.
- Comment on Get gud 1 year ago:
The issue with this is it’s too simplistic.
What it’s actually saying is “it’s easy to not be misogynistic as long as you’re significantly better than all the women”.
It does not imply that you won’t be misogynistic as soon as you are threatened.
Ie when status quo is maintained (patriarchy is intact for you) it’s easy to support women.
- Comment on Meta and Salesforce are looking to rehire some workers they just laid off. It's putting those people in an awkward spot. 1 year ago:
I would bet most of the employees they want aren’t the ones they let go, but probably a lot more who went somewhere else.
Lots of good employees leave because even with a great boss, if your boss isn’t getting promoted, you might not have a path for promotion without lateraling into something you don’t like, with new people and new relationships who might be worse.
If you’re going to do all that, you might just do it in a new company.
It’s always easier for companies to richly reward new hires vs existing employees.
- Comment on Reddit’s new Contributor Program will let you cash out gold given to your posts by other users in real money. 1 year ago:
lol WeChat who has a defacto government granted monopoly in exchange for all customer data being given to the government is going to drive the innovation?
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
You’re also assuming there are no other shareholders…………
- Comment on Escalating scandal grips airlines including American and Southwest, as nearly 100 planes find fake parts from company with fake employees that vanished overnight 1 year ago:
There are many places things get done for refurbishment of seats and interiors - lots in China.
All places doing heavy C and D checks are FAA certified, for US registered airlines regardless of where they do the work.
Delta Techops does lots of work on their own planes and others.
Small airlines won’t be able to afford to run their own heavy check facilities and will certainly outsource.
- Comment on Intel announces Thunderbolt 5 with double the bandwidth (40 Gbps to 80 Gbps) 1 year ago:
Enterprise NVMe drives can do sustained writes of 7GB/s no problem. That’s 58Gbps plus overhead.
That’s to a single drive.
If you are a film crew connecting and ingesting multiple raw 8k 120hz video to be edited, this is very useful
As to whether they use USB4 v2 or thunderbolt, I’m not sure it matters. They look pretty similar, but with thunderbolt it’s very easy to know what the interface is capable of. Good luck when something says “USB 4”.
USB-C is just a connector - thunderbolt uses the exact same connector.
- Comment on Intel announces Thunderbolt 5 with double the bandwidth (40 Gbps to 80 Gbps) 1 year ago:
Storage and creative use cases, 100%. If you have several TBs coming off each camera per day, you will 100% feel the pain.
Just driving two 4K monitors at 40Gbps is pretty much all of the bandwidth of TB3, assuming you’re doing 10b 120hz.
A modern NVMe can easily do 50-60Gbps per drive.
- Comment on Intel announces Thunderbolt 5 with double the bandwidth (40 Gbps to 80 Gbps) 1 year ago:
You still need copper unless you don’t want to transmit power too.
Interestingly, fiber technically has more latency than copper - light moves slower through fiber than electrons through copper.