- Comment on fat time 1 year ago:
Nope. Still propaganda. It has a negative cultural connotation but any form of persuasive rhetoric fits the basic definition of propaganda.
- Comment on Two sides to Korea 1 year ago:
So it’s better despite having an equally brutal regime? With a leader worship akin to Ancient Rome? It feels like you’re splitting hairs tbh.
- Comment on Mouthwash 1 year ago:
Wow you must’ve drank a lot of water
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
No one’s saying you can’t do anything. I’m simply explaining that your “protest” is ignorable at best and actively beneficial to the people you hate at worst.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
No they’d just be happy that there’s less people they have to convince to vote for them. Less people voting means it’s easier to pass policies that enrich them. You aren’t doing some meaningful protest, you’ve removed yourself from the conversation.
There’s tons of money in seeding voter apathy and people like you are why. They get you to remove your own voice and make you think you’re hurting them and not yourself.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
They only care about people who vote. Your silent protest is very easy to ignore.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Not voting signals to politicians that they don’t need to care about your vote or you in general.
- Comment on It's a beautiful world 1 year ago:
A wild wiener wandering
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I mistook you for the original commenter, I apologize.
With that out of the way. You’re right that people who murder innocents don’t deserve support, which is why I condemn Hamas and the Israeli government. Good attempt at conflating my criticism with Israel as a whole but that’s manipulative framing. The Israeli government has taken plenty of actions that directly prop up Hamas and even share responsibility for its initial rise.
As an American, the Israeli government caused this in a similar way that the American government caused 9/11. Much like Israel and Hamas, American government invested in Al Qaeda in the 80s to accomplish a selfish geopolitical goal and it ended up with a massive terrorist attack on their home soil.
It’s awful and reprehensible that innocent people are being killed, no caveat. I’m just not so easily blinded by shock and emotion that I can’t identify the underlying causes that drive this inhumane clusterfuck forward.
I’m willing to keep talking if you’re willing to not assume the worst of my position instead of seeking clarification. What Hamas did was disgusting.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
So if the Israeli military hadn’t funneled resources to Hamas in the 80s and 90s it’d be pretty different, good point. Maybe the moderate coalition would’ve been comparatively powerful enough to gain leadership instead of literal terrorists.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
And that’s how Palestinians feel about the decades of reprisals Israel has inflicted upon them because of Hamas.
It doesn’t give them the right to bomb hospitals and apartment buildings. It doesn’t give them the right to gun down journalists and children. It doesn’t give them the right to evict Palestinians from their homes to send in colonists for replacement. It doesn’t give them the right to turn what should be a separate country like Gaza into a literal open air prison where they can cut their power and water and they need to have Israel approve an exit pass to leave their homes and go anywhere else in the world.
Neither average citizen wants this bullshit to happen. But it’s not up to them, it’s up to a terrorist organization and a government that literally funded Hamas in the 80s and 90s so that the moderate coalition didn’t win. The one going into mosques to rough up and arrest random practitioners. I feel for every citizen in both territories, just know that war mongers in your government have contributed massively to these tragedies.
The extremists in your government had a large hand in creating the group that’s now slaughtering innocents and giving them an excuse to glass the people they look down on.
How about both? During a long drought why shouldn’t people be mad at a multinational company sucking up water to use for their international tech products?
- Comment on Like a true gentleman! 1 year ago:
Couldn’t tell ya Bob
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
Because that’s always what Joe wants to do. Maher bringing up Trump was a breath of fresh air and a conversation Joe has tried to avoid.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
Big old rant that addresses nothing I’ve said and makes up different arguments to win. Not sure what you’re going for here.
You dance around the real facts that he has consistently downplayed the crimes of the Trump administration and argues that one of the biggest conservative propagandists, Tucker Carlson, had journalistic integrity. All this while constantly attacking democrats for any perceived misstep and obsessing over CNN. He’s given tons of airtime to Hunter Bidens laptop but seemingly can’t tell you a single thing Trump was charged with.
You also pretend that I’ve said anything about “silencing” anyone so you can clutch your pearls and act persecuted but that’s not what I’d happening. I’m not censoring or advocating censorship. I’m using real world examples of someone’s public behavior to understand them better.
The grandest irony is you calling me a reactionary when all I did was point out examples of Joe espousing reactionary rhetoric and giving examples of conservative politicians he’s close with. Not to mention he has on so many conservative pundits he doesn’t need to have the politicians on. He’s already boosting their narratives.
Also, just to remind you since you said this:
Are you guys so void of critical thoughts that you can’t listen to someone you disagree with? Even for a few minutes?
I do follow the show. That’s why I’ve been citing moments from the show to back up my position. I directly referenced events from the past two podcasts. If you can’t accept this then I don’t think you’re intellectually capable of an actual discussion. If you make this empty accusation again I’m not going to respond.
It’s okay for Joe to be right wing. He’s allowed to change his perspective and think whatever he wants. It’s very telling however the length’s people will go to deny and obfuscate this reality.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
Notice how this person ignored all the listed reasons I gave to hyperfocus on something from 2016.
“But he said he’d vote Bernie” is a literal meme from how often that tired talking point has been thrown out.
If he held any true convictions that weren’t conservative he wouldn’t play defense for Jan 6th and pal around with reactionary ghouls like Abbot and DeSantis. He also wouldn’t be trying so hard to downplay the crimes of the Trump administration.
Oh and while we’re bringing up stuff, you missed his recent climate change denial rant on the PoP episode? Because despite your insistence otherwise I do follow JRE. It’s why I know how empty your counter argument is.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
So centrist that he supports DeSantis, has dinner with Greg Abbot, thinks Jan 6 was a false flag, and still claims Trump facing prosecution is evidence that the US is a banana republic despite the episode immediately before having the guest lay out in irrefutable detail the real crimes DJT is standing trial for.
If he isn’t right wing then the only other viable explanation is that he’s an empty bobble head that invites on as many conservatives voices to nod along with as they can.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
I mean before COVID there was also that time he furiously berated a primatologist for telling him he was mistaken for thinking Bondo Apes were a unique species.
He’s always been an angry meathead when facts make him feel stupid. He’s just doing it in more mainstream ways now so he gets more exposure.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
Corporations don’t deserve that right. His stance on this is directly related to corporate abuse of the system. Nuance is difficult though so I understand why it’s easy for you to feel like you made a good point.
- Comment on Consideration to Defederate Hexbear 1 year ago:
I like these threads because they’re almost exclusively filled with people trying their best to prove the OP right.
- Comment on Not even FS Meter is safe 1 year ago:
I get that you have no experience trying to play this game skillfully and don’t really care about the concept of fair competition but I can promise you, the competitive players would still dunk on you with every mechanic turned on. Because without the gimmicks you actually have to learn the base mechanics to win which Carrie’s to any game mode.
They know more about the game then you so they know how a usable the item system can be and how obstructive stage hazards can get. They’re looking to compete, not just dick around with friends so of course they’d look for the most equal ground to see who’s better.
- Comment on Not even FS Meter is safe 1 year ago:
There’s a time for both tbh. If you want to just fuck around then items and stuff are a lot of fun. But if you’re playing from a competitive mindset many of these mechanics get in the way of the parts of the game they love the most. In fact, I think my experience playing without items made me more effective with them when I played with people that wanted them turned back on.
The important thing is that you play the rule set everyone playing will have fun with. That’s why the customization of rules has always been pretty in depth.