- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Lucky. I’m 32, and let me tell you, you had it waaay easier. Back in my day…
- Comment on yooooo it's a rap pigeon! 11 months ago:
Funk Master Flap
- Comment on Chronology 1 year ago:
He’s from the south, his name is Cletus.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I did all my time in single player because if I got to some dumb unoptimized/bug I could cheat my way back because fuck them. I too will not buy this BS 1.5 either. They had their chance. I’m still bitter that instead of fixing the base game they got dollar signs in their eyes and just started releasing dlc.
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
Dude, I’m in that same boat. So much of my team is remote that when I do come into the office all my meetings are still on zoom. I like how you put it, “I’m arbitrarily in the office”
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
I’ll say this. What works for you doesn’t always work for everyone else, and I feel like that’s kind of the point. The CEO/CFO cares more about bringing people back to the office than they do about their employees. I hear you, it’s healthy to interact with people, and If that’s what you need awesome. But a lot of other people don’t feel that same way. I think it’s going to take tolerance on both sides for this paradigm shift to be a success.
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
Yeah, I’m with you. At least make the video private…
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
I’m so tired of businesses claiming that the only way for a company to be successful is if everyone is in person for the dear dear meetings. We all know exactly what this is about. 1. It’s more dofficult to micromanage employees when a manger can’t constantly observe them, and 2. All the giant real estate investments companies have made is now coming due and they cant fill up their buildings fast enough to get those tax breaks. Why the hell else are they “tracking” people in the office. Meanwhile senior leadership can come and go whenever they see fit. It’s control. Plain and simple.
- Comment on Thousands of Software Engineers Say the Job Market Is Getting Much Worse 1 year ago:
Absolutely the case. I’m a motion designer and thank god I work on the partnship side of my business because that’s actually bringing in money, while the owned and operated businesses are failing. All of tech has just been under the knife the last 18 months and it’s exhausting. We’ve lost two people and no new hires because it’s not in the budget.
- Comment on HP customers claim firmware update rendered third-party ink verboten | Then the company cranked up the price of cartridges, complaint alleges 1 year ago:
Beat me to it. DO NOT BUY HP PRODUCTS ANYMORE! Brother is a fantastic alternative and if I’m not mistaken sometimes cheaper, and if not cheaper, it’s at least far better quality.
- Comment on Adobe faces big fines from FTC over difficult subscription cancellation 1 year ago:
Back in the day there used to be a patch that could block the app from communicating with adobe’s servers to verify the subscription.
That might still exist in some form, but with all of phthoshops new AI features I’d imagine that you’d need constant communication with those servers for the app to actually function.
I’m sorry I didn’t provide any actual help.
- Comment on Someone in props in getting fired for that 1 year ago:
You should watch “What We Do in the Shadows”
- Comment on We were warned. 1 year ago:
Child: Mom can we have universal healthcare? Mom: We have universal healthcare at home. The healthcare we have at home:
It’s easy, pick any doctor in your network.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
Hey! I’m also sitting on a toilet! Crazy!
- Comment on One year after being bought for $44 billion, X is worth $19 billion 1 year ago:
I wonder if that’s a portion of why it’s devalued so much. I mean I know there’s a dozen or more other reasons but brand recognition could very well be one of them.
- Comment on The Problem with Jon Stewart cancellation highlights a problem for Apple’s content 1 year ago:
Yeah they’re allowing him to speak about only what they deem as “appropriate”. Preventing him from speaking about china is not “letting him speak” as you put it. It also sounds like the reasons for not wanting to do business is pretty clear. Stewart wants to talk about things that apple feels might show them in some not great light, so they can’t have any of that.
- Comment on AITA for doing a GoFundMe? (Details within.) 1 year ago:
There’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been said but don’t feel shameful for asking for help with medical bills. It’s not like you’re out buying unnecessary things, you’re trying to get help. Everyone needs help now and again. I hope you get what you need.
- Comment on Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try 1 year ago:
Like everyone said, nope not at all. I played a couple of them, but there’s a nifty YouTube video chronicling his journey in Greece!
- Comment on Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try 1 year ago:
Wow, surprised nobody recommended God of War. It’s by a mile better than any other game in the franchise, won game of the year if memory serves right. And then when you play that one you get to roll into Ragnorok which is arguably even better.
- Comment on Marvel Studios' VFX Staff Unanimously Votes to Unionize 1 year ago:
This is fantastic news for those artists. Marvel is nortorious (and many many others) for requesting changes or scope creeping to a point that entire studios are canabalising themselves in order to stay afloat. Studios going under the literal opening day of a movie. I really hope for the best for them!
- Comment on Marvel Studios' VFX Staff Unanimously Votes to Unionize 1 year ago:
They likely already are to be honest.