- Comment on green 11 months ago:
Unless it’s fluids being discharged from a body. Not so much then.
- Comment on Solar Panels Spread Across America's Heartland as Farmers Chase Stable Returns 11 months ago:
How are solar panels going to bring horses back?
- Comment on If Tasha Yar stayed on the show, what do you think would have happened? How would she have been written? 1 year ago:
Never occurred to me that what TNG needed was a scene suggesting worf and data are getting it on.
Worf always said he needed someone less fragile than humans
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
This doesn’t exactly seem like a revelation to me, and I don’t know why you’d need undercover footage… how do you think they hunted bears?
Because most people don’t think about it. Video is a good way to get them started.
- Comment on Gen Z is hopping on to some ... worrying trends 1 year ago:
Not implying, I’m talking about survey methodology.
I’m saying that asking the same question different ways will get different answers.
- Comment on Gen Z is hopping on to some ... worrying trends 1 year ago:
I can’t blame the question for all of it…I do think it makes a difference. Ask it the other way around like “did the Nazi’s murder 6 million Jews during World War 2?” And I imagine we’d get a less depressing answer.
- Comment on I know a time-traveler when I see one. 1 year ago:
Don’t worry it’s a harmless assumption because everybody except the karens has the capacity to laugh at themselves
- Comment on I know a time-traveler when I see one. 1 year ago:
Admiral Karen
- Comment on Spread the love 1 year ago:
What are you views on Admiral Jarok?
- Comment on In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series 1 year ago:
Is that the one with the robots who challenge him to a dance contest?
Rhythm is futile?
- Comment on Starfield’s player count slips below Skyrim on Steam, just two months after Bethesda’s ‘biggest launch ever’ 1 year ago:
I’m not sure what point the title is making.
“Old games should be dying” ?
Skyrim has had a long time to build that player base, over generations of systems and thousands of mods.
Of course it has more players. McDonalds has more customers than this new cafe down the road from me but I still prefer them to fast food 🤷
- Comment on Today is the 75th Birthday of His Majesty The King. 1 year ago:
If we had a vote, I don’t think he would vote for him either
- Comment on help 1 year ago:
Everything gets eaten by something, it’s the meaning of life.
- Comment on It's made of girders 1 year ago:
Girders… I bet it’s made of bulkheads! Or conduits!
- Comment on "Players have no patience", says Blizzard president - "they want new stuff every day, every hour" 1 year ago:
Yes, Blizzard, when you expect people to pay continuously, they expect something for their money continuously.
Did you imagine they were happy just to hand it over out of love and kindness for your profits?
- Comment on What would you use to remotely support a computer with "LAN" access? 1 year ago:
I’ve not run it on that platform, I would imagine they have similar capabilities in the Linux version.
It runs in portable mode by default, as you suggest this means it needs to be run each time.
So for unattended windows machine I installed it as a service and activated a permanent password for it. Problem solved!
- Comment on What would you use to remotely support a computer with "LAN" access? 1 year ago:
Check out rustdesk, would that suit?
- Comment on Sonic showers would clean dirt from you, but you'd still stink. 1 year ago:
I’ve not actually tried a modern sonic shower so I’ll take your word for the limitations of them as things stand and guess they’ve figured out how to make them work effectively in the next few hundred years.
I think the Ferengi we see have excellent teeth, by Ferengi standards. you can see they’ve working hard to look after them, rather than trying to look like hoomans.
- Comment on Did he hit the wrong button with his elbow or something? 1 year ago:
Or to add to this, Scotty knows a request to travel from the bridge to sickbay is going to take priority in an alert situation so travelled via the bridge to skip the queue.
- Comment on What Are You Playing This Week? October 16, 2023 edition 1 year ago:
First game in a long while that’s really just grabbed me and compelled me to keep going.
- Comment on I've seen it said that TNG was centered around Picard, Riker, and Data like TOS was centered around Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. But I've always thought of TNG as an ensemble cast. Thoughts? 1 year ago:
There’s heart of Glory, sins of the father, redemption & birthright for worf and his heritage I think. And parallels which is just about worf.
It’s not many unless I’m missing some.
- Comment on I've seen it said that TNG was centered around Picard, Riker, and Data like TOS was centered around Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. But I've always thought of TNG as an ensemble cast. Thoughts? 1 year ago:
There’s plenty of Troi, Beverley and Geordie episodes in the mix, and worf episodes are typically excellent if few.
But I think the big three you mention dominate the story lines as they’re running things whenever a story isn’t about a particular crew member
- Comment on [HN] More Than 80 Percent of Americans Can't Afford New Cars 1 year ago:
“what kind of world is this where they make things not everybody can afford?” - P J Fry
- Comment on I had always wondered the same thing about these cups 1 year ago:
I thought the same when I saw that episode with the humans in it.
- Comment on What's the best way these days to install multiple copies of a messaging app? 1 year ago:
Samsung does have a way to do this, secure folder. It’s different in some ways to the work profile but functionally the same
- Comment on XL Bullies: Prime Minister's XL Bully ban will not apply in Northern Ireland 1 year ago:
At this point, isn’t that a semantic argument since we don’t have the means to ban specific people from owning specific breeds?
- Comment on [VERGE] Ring’s new Pet Tag puts a QR code on your dog or cat’s collar to help if they go missing 1 year ago:
Or you could put your phone number?
- Comment on [VERGE] Apple’s Lightning connector was the first great port — and USB-C might be the last 1 year ago:
Oh, I agree it’s likely inevitable. If only because future ports will need to carry higher wattage and data rates, assuming that port doesn’t go the same way at the 2.5mm jack.
I think you’re under estimating the cable issue. Most people do have one at home, often more than one. Plus one in the car, one at the office, one in the gym bag or that that they go for a festival to go with a portable charger.
I worked in the phone industry for twenty years, each major port change caused a barrage of moans for about three months as people gradually bought new leads to replace the ones they had scattered throughout their lives. Of course, I can only claim this as evidence for the behaviour of the English!
- Comment on [HN] X updates its terms to ban crawling and scraping 1 year ago:
Ironically, crawling and scraping are gonna be the only way he’s going to secure future investment.
- Comment on [VERGE] Apple’s Lightning connector was the first great port — and USB-C might be the last 1 year ago:
Is it reasonable to infer from this that only 1% of users own spare cables?
My biggest issue with lightning cables is how often people need to remove compacted fluff from inside the socket.