- Comment on Electric eel 1 year ago:
Speaking of sea urchins, I learned a while ago they like to wear shells and such like little hats to protect them from the sun. It's adorable.
Also, an aquarium 3D printed some hats for their urchins. It's pretty great.
- Comment on Should I move to Docker? 1 year ago:
There's nothing wrong with OCI Images. If you're concerned about the security of Docker (which, imo, you should be) there are other container runtimes that don't have its security tradeoffs (e.g. podman).
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
This misunderstands the premise. You cannot intuit someone's subjective experience of reality because it is impossible for you to experience their experience of reality. You have only what they're able to explain to you.
To come at this from the other direction, if a friend says to you "I'm having a good day" and does not appear obviously distressed, how could you judge the relative goodness of their day or if it was actually good at all?
- Comment on The letter you wish you wrote. 1 year ago:
Just think of how much back and forth must have happened for this person to be so fed up as to include this with a request for publication
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Because it's the logical conclusion of mainstream pro-life rhetoric. If one believes that all human life is sacred and must be protected, then it follows that they should want all humans to be safe and protected, not just the ones that are still gestating.
The reality is that, to many of us on the pro-choice side of the debate, pro-life seems to be more about punishing women than it does about protecting (future) children. At the very least, the way many of the pro-life policies are implemented cause direct and sometimes deadly harm to women.
In my mind, if abortion is murder, so is preventing life saving treatment for women. There are times when abortion is medically necessary to protect women's lives and we should allow them to make that choice for themselves.