- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
I mean it seems like you’re just kind of asserting that it will be there. Just repeating it doesn’t make it more true.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
You’re shifting the goalposts, and that still doesn’t work.
An infinite number of monkeys typing for an infinite length of time doesn’t necessitate that they stop once they reach 191,726 characters. It also doesn’t necessitate that they never repeat a pattern of characters. In fact, it’s incredibly likely that they repeat the same pattern more often than not. They’re probably going to repeatedly press keys that are in proximity to one another while moving around the keyboard. Things like: “;ml9o fklibhuasdfbuklghaol;jios9 fdlhnikuasdf”.
If you’re measuring whether or not eventually you’ll produce Hamlet by typing out every single possible permutation of 191,726 characters on a keyboard, well… yeah, of course you will. But infinite monkeys aren’t a grid search system for combinations of keystrokes, they’re monkeys mashing the keys without knowing what they mean or in all likelihood what a typewriter is.
You want monkeys on keyboards? You’re mostly going to get gibberish.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
Considering that there are an infinite number of potential arrangements of keystrokes that aren’t Hamlet? I’m honestly not fully convinced that you’d necessarily get Hamlet to begin with, let alone in a finite amount of time. Could you? Sure. But an infinite set minus an infinite number of possibilities still leaves an infinite number of possibilities. Any or all of which could not be Hamlet.
- Comment on Still wondering why people from Alaska didn't post about the eclipse 10 months ago:
We mustn’t dwell. No, not today! Not on Rex Manning day!
- Comment on Cracked Piece of Metal Heals Itself in Experiment That Stuns Scientists 1 year ago:
This seems really cool, but my two main thoughts when I see something like this are: how badly are they misreporting this, and will anyone bother writing an article about the retraction a few months down the road when it turns out this was something completely different?
- Comment on Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation 1 year ago:
That rationale of projecting the prisoner’s dilemma onto literally everything is really dangerous. It makes me think of that one episode of Rick and Morty where they’re split between these increasingly fragmented eigenstates and all the Ricks start trying to kill one another because they figure if they don’t the others will kill them first.
If everybody abandons their morality because they’re pretty sure everyone else will do it first if they don’t, we definitely get a worse outcome. Like, okay, even if eventually some like Chinese Bene Gesserit space marines push for military dominance, we’d be better off making some little pocket of life on Earth that isn’t rushing the dystopian options and eventually losing it than just making everything terrible to make sure we own the ruins.
- Comment on Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation 1 year ago:
I completely forgot about Universal Soldier!
- Comment on I am so connected to the earth rn. 1 year ago:
This is how I feel when I realize there’s another kind of bird I can identify seemingly just like, through osmosis.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
I mean, personally, I make a lot of layers and save my work a lot, and I make use of that undo/redo stack. Again, like, it isn’t perfect, but I used to do pixel art in the Palace editor. Like, maybe my standards just aren’t very high.
I’ve been working on game assets using GIMP and it’s been totally sufficient. But like, maybe Krita could add to my workflow. I’m not opposed to the idea of tuning my work flow to get better results. I do have concerns about spending excessive time learning new environments for only marginal benefit considering how wide my net has to be, but if it’s a big time saver it might be worth it.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
I’m not kidding anyone. I might not have the same needs or standards as you do, but I absolutely do prefer GIMP and use it over Photoshop. Yeah, there are limitations. I didn’t say it was a better program. Yes, it can be kind of annoying to have to make changes to text. And yes, if your work flow requires you to have these tools it probably isn’t a solution for you.
But frankly, people don’t all need to do things the same way. I’m sure you’re capable of producing something that looks better than much of my output in half the time and have a much more efficient workflow. Cool. But that doesn’t mean I’m some kind of imaginary non-person because I actually enjoy using GIMP.
Why on Earth does that make you angry? It’s literally not even any of your business.
If I used a different kind of paintbrush than you, would that matter? Literally who cares?
Krita sounds cool and I’ll probably check it out, but chances are very good that I continue to use GIMP in addition to whatever else I might find useful simply because I like it and I’m comfortable with it.
Why in the world should that make anyone angry? It’s okay for people to like different things.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
I have GIMP and Photoshop installed and have at all times for well over a decade. I literally only use GIMP and I use it nearly every single day. Photoshop does some fancy stuff that GIMP isn’t as good at, but as far as basic image editing? Give me the lightweight FOSS client with a sleek minimalist UI that’s been the same for ages over some bulky corporate offering that loves to move things around and change its appearance just to look new.
I agree that Lemmy is a mess, but GIMP is the wrong target for this post. It’s fantastic.
- Comment on Study: Streamers Now Wasting Record Amounts of Time Finding Something to Watch 1 year ago:
Right, but part of that process is people thinking some of it is stupid and pushing back. Language isn’t immune to the pressures that form it.
Likewise, just because you know how something works doesn’t divorce you from the causal forces that bring it into being. The language changes because we change it. It’s okay to try to do it actively.