- Comment on heat your body, not your house -- using an infrared heat lamp 1 month ago:
I use a radiant heat panel in my snakes Terrarium, the human-sized versions of them look pretty promising imo. You could install one on the ceiling right above your work desk so that it radiates the warmth down. They might be a bit on the pricey side though.
- Comment on Whale Falls 3 months ago:
I love this video about whale falls and regularly come back to it as a video to fall asleep to:
- Comment on Durge 3 months ago:
He’s allowed a bit of murder, as a treat
- Comment on Die Erfolgsgeschichte von Guerilla-Photovoltaik als Solarpunk-Erzählung 3 months ago:
So Punk ihr auch seid, bitte lasst eure PV Anlage trotzdem ins Marktstammdatenregister eintragen! Um die Sicherheit des gesamten Stromnetzes zu garantieren müssen Netzbetreiber nämlich wissen, mit wie viel Einspeisung sie rechnen müssen 🥹
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
Do NOT mention cheese graters,they will hear…
- Comment on my boss hates this one simple trick 4 months ago:
forbiddendicouraged bong :3 - Comment on How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels 5 months ago:
I’m not very knowledgeable on Inverters, they don’t come up much in the legal material I juggle around at work lol
Balcony Units have them built in as far as I know. The only big regulation when it comes to wiring is that anyone who has solar needs their Electricity Counter replaced with a bidirectional “Smart Meter”, because classical Counters can’t really count down when you feed into the Grid. I’m guessing that the Smart Meters themselves would have some sort of safety mechanism to prevent wildly miswired connections.
I think there was some sort of requirement to at least have an electrician check the solar setup before it gets connected too, but German law in most parts is “If you decide not to hire a licensed professional, then anything that happens is your own fault”.
- Comment on How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels 5 months ago:
Solar panels that cannot be connected to the grid don’t have to be declared, but it is based on ability, not intention. So a solar panel so far away from civilization that you physically couldn’t connect it is fine, but if it’s at your house and you could connect it, then you have to register it. (Registration is a 5min online form though, it’s very hassle-free for a system that the German Government came up with lol)
- Comment on How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels 5 months ago:
Yup, the reason is that undocumented solar panels plugged into the Grid could cause seriously dangerous power spikes and throw off calculations on how much Suppliers need to feed into the Grid. So the only panels that don’t have to be declared and registered with MaStR are ones on top of cars and ones that are so remote that you couldn’t plug them in in any case (but Germany has basically no places remote enough to meet that criteria)
- Comment on How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels 5 months ago:
Yess, the new regulations are awesome! Especially the recent simplification of the MaStR (Marktstammdatenregister) System has made everything easier for anyone involved.
But… just a heads up, if you don’t register your balcony panel, we can and do find you using satellite pictures 🔫🙂 - Comment on Self study; Changing my own Biology Successfully 5 months ago:
- Comment on Ches 5 months ago:
Is that cheddar?
- Comment on Begonia Breaking Free 5 months ago:
- Comment on The Productivity Commission wants all Australian kids to get 3 days a week of childcare – but it won’t be until 2036. 5 months ago:
Well, they’ll be way too old for childcare by then though??
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
Do they still sell the Pipetting silly straws somewhere? I was in a Bio lab last week and they didn’t have any (but still told everyone to NOT pipette the E.Coli with their mouths) so I really want to try that now
- Comment on Krillin 5 months ago:
Talking in brackets to say the thing you actually mean is so Autism coded (I do it too)
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Assessment of visual acuity in Python regius using optokinetic response 6 months ago:
This is a cool concept for a study, but in their methods and materials section, they didn’t say anything about the general upbringing/living conditions of those 4 snakes. They also seemingly came from the same private keeper, so they all probably had the same conditions.
There might be a massive difference between animals kept in dark breeder tubs vs. animals kept in vivariums with see-through doors. The former wouldn’t even have the chance to focus their eyes on anything further away than the hind wall of the tub. I can’t imagine that that wouldn’t lead to some sort of atrophy.
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Is this like, some weird parent “lesson” thing you’re actually supposed to fake? Like maybe you’re supposed to put some vinegar in the good jar to prevent mold growth, and the goal is to make your dumbass children behave?
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Why crypto could be green power's unlikely new best friend 11 months ago:
Oh hey, that’s my specialization! I’m a programmer working on software for energy providers to control the power grid (both electric and gas), manage and plan incoming/outgoing energy as well as perform the legally required communications related to those tasks (calculations, reclamations etc.)
Long story short: this is a bullshit take. While yes, solar power does produce “too much” energy at certain times, most if not all countries in the world are still reliant on non-renewable energy during the night. The solution is not to piss away the solar power, it’s to store it for when it is needed.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 19 comments
- Comment on What's the dumbest thing you've shipped? 1 year ago:
They already have a very advanced system to transfer actually valuable data (when/how much power needs to go to the grid, end user data, redispatch of solar panels etc etc). We’ve actually taken that complex and valid system and clipped its wings to do something way less useful :')
- Comment on What's the dumbest thing you've shipped? 1 year ago:
The German government has decided that starting on October 1st of this year, they don’t want energy providers who want to call up another energy provider to just google the other company and use that number. They want an entire new system of message exchange for the sake of transmitting data like a company’s address and phone number directly to all it’s market buddies.
I’m part of the team who had to build that shit within the last 4 months or so. It’s a neat project and everyone gained knowledge in AWS cloud stuff, but realistically, every one of our customers will use the system exactly once (as required by the government) and then never again.
- Comment on Which software do you mostly use for programming, and why? 1 year ago:
Exclusively IntelliJ Ultimate, cause that’s what my work pays for. I try not to program outside of work.
- Comment on Pure Evil 1 year ago:
ESLint has entered the room