- Comment on chees 6 months ago:
Eating that cost me 3 kidney stones, but it was worth it.
- Comment on X’s new AI image generator will make anything from Taylor Swift in lingerie to Kamala Harris with a gun 6 months ago:
I don’t have the hope you do. The sheer number of people that believe the moon landing was faked is just plain crazy. There were soooo many people involved with that process, yet it’s still not believed.
- Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 10 months ago:
There was no need to produce the items in question, so we lost the expertise and the underlying manufacturing facilities/experience/etc. Stuff like: The company that made the windows no longer exists. The company that made the panels still exists, but they can no longer source the strictly defined % alloys as that company no longer exists. Stuff like that.
- Comment on How Hidden Nazi Symbols Were the Tip of a Toxic Iceberg at Life Is Strange Developer Deck Nine - IGN 11 months ago:
It’s not that simple. Let’s say you have 100 revisions of an asset and the change happens on revision 42. Multiple people work on the same assets. If the engine in question (I admittedly don’t know what they use) stores each asset on a per-file basis, it’s a little easier. If not and the environment itself is stored in a monolithic file, it’s far worse.
You’ll need to (at best) binary search for the asset. You pull latest, see the bad content is there, try again with revision 50. See it’s there, try again with 25. It’s not there, okay, 37. Etc etc.
Not only that, it’s very often not as simple as just pulling that revision. “Oh. The asset format changed slightly on revision 40?” Time to pull the entire codebase down. “Asset A is referenced by this asset and won’t work because it differs?” Time to sync the entire codebase & assets back.
Etc, etc.
- Comment on How Hidden Nazi Symbols Were the Tip of a Toxic Iceberg at Life Is Strange Developer Deck Nine - IGN 11 months ago:
It most definitely takes a lot longer than one minute to check asset files for changes. That’s like saying you can just pop open 200 revisions of a 300MiB PSD file in notepad and see what change it happened in quickly. I don’t imagine somebody will write in their changelist description “submitting Nazi flag, lol” either.
Definitely a long arduous process to determine it.
- Comment on Can anyone tell me what format this uh.. nested dictionary is? 1 year ago:
Looks like somebody rewrote json to require brackets around keys. Very likely custom.
- Comment on Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf 1 year ago:
Sure, but as the comic specifically says, this is about neighbors, not friends. You don’t necessarily have a choice regarding your neighbors’ beliefs.
- Comment on YSK: The difference between Regional, National, and scam accreditation in the US for colleges. 1 year ago:
That makes a lot more sense. Grateful for the explanation, thank you.
- Comment on YSK: The difference between Regional, National, and scam accreditation in the US for colleges. 1 year ago:
It’s been 15 years, but for engineering degrees isn’t “ABET Certified” basically a requirement? Mobile doesn’t let me search, frustratingly, so that website you provided isn’t super useful.
- Comment on Tabs are objectively better than spaces - 1 year ago:
…did you not read the article?
- Comment on Tabs are objectively better than spaces - 1 year ago:
Tabs for indentation/increased scope, spaces for alignment. The best answer.