- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
Mechanicus and
Both games came out fairly recent and have OSTs by Guillaume David. They are both good games on their own, but get great due to the OST.
You can check tehm out here:……
- Comment on What have you played this week? 6 months ago:
Startet The Witcher last week, the controls aren’t as wonky as i remembered.
- Comment on Any recommendations for refillable PLA filament? 11 months ago:
They also have a printable spool with a place for the nametag stickers and a filament gauge, they look kinda neat:…/multispool-digitaler-downlo…
- Comment on If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab? 11 months ago:
Yes, they should have been wiped. (and then they should have been fed into a blender if i had my way.) :)
- Comment on If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab? 1 year ago:
Please do not sell used enterprise hard drives, especially if you got them from your empoyer. This is how those emberrasing company secrets get leaked and we can’t have that can we? :)
- Comment on Games with graphics resembling PS1 or PS2? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How many of you browsing this community are system admins/hobbyist? 1 year ago:
Used to be a system engineer / admin.
Then i took an arrow to the knee.
Now i do agile stuff and paperwork :) … a lot of paperwork
- Comment on What's the best game you played this year (that didn't come out this year)? 1 year ago:
I’ll have to say Cloud Punk.
A small indie game about a girl starting her courier job in a cyberpunk future.
- The game-play is okayish
- The graphics try to emulate a voxel look and are functional at best.
- The Sound design, music and the full synchronisation make this game exceptional!
The story captured me and together with the audio and visual style kept me playing way into the small hours.
- Comment on Which is better OMV or TrueNAS? 1 year ago:
I verry much like OMV, simply because i could use it with knowledge i already have.
I’ts a Debian system -> I understand that I’t uses normal RAID and ext4 -> I understand that (Plus, if things go wrong, I can just pop the drives back into any other computer and use it without much fuss) It has a rSnapshot plug in -> I already used that in the past.
Sure I’m missing out on fancy stuff like BTRFS / ZFS, but i can live with that.