- Comment on Biden Says He Told Nigeria to Kill Fewer Civilians — but Nigeria Keeps Killing Lots of Civilians 10 months ago:
So… should we start a war in every place on earth that genocide is occurring? Really channel our inner dick Cheney and waste life and treasure in regime changes?
No one here is advocating for that. “Stop funding genocide” is a far cry for “Channel your inner Dick Cheney”
- Comment on ꙮ BE NOT AFRAID ꙮ 1 year ago:
Hers a fair explanation, but in short there are different kinds of angels described in the abrahamic texts, and only some of them resemble the classical “human with a pair of wings” depiction. Many wings, many eyes, chimeric heads, elemental fire and light, and non-biological (to our understanding) forms are among the features of those depictions.
- Comment on YSK: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix makes fantastic waffles. 1 year ago:
This is the second time I’ve seen cheddar bay waffles recommended. Fuck it! I have a box of this in the cupboard and a pizzelle maker. I’ll report back next weekend.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
Bread and Butter pickles have sugar added, so theres calories at least
- Comment on Elder waitresses should be called something else, like waitrons or waitriarchs. 1 year ago:
Your thinking of an Eldritch Waitress. What OP meant was a waitress that fuses metal objects together.
- Comment on So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them. 1 year ago:
siege lasted so long that a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels[a] of silver
Imagine a food shortage so bad that the nutritional value of the leather in the upholstery in your car is worth more than the cost of the car in good times.
- Comment on Worth trying using a 15 years old notebook for self hosting? 1 year ago:
Hannah Montana Linux
- Comment on If you begin Star Trek: Voyager episode Spirit Folk at exactly 11:49:35 on New Year's Eve, Ensign Harry Kim will kiss a cow as the clock strikes midnight 1 year ago:
The hero we deserve!
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
- That’s the FICO score. There have been other scores as far back as the 1950s.
- Credit bureaus are older than abstract scoring formulas, and credit reporting has been going on at least since the mid 1800s
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
The credit reporting and insurance industries would like to have a wor… What’s that?
Nevermind. I’m being told they wish to be forgotten and ignored so they can quietly make boatloads without the threat of regulatory oversight.
- Comment on xkcd #2868: Label the States 1 year ago:
I’ve got: Neo Hampshire, Middle Carolina, Outdianna, Tennetucky, Rkansas, Northwest Dakota, West South Dakota, Souther Dakota, The Real South Dakota, Coloradon’t, Becausoming, Ariz Oh No!, Udaho & Trail
- Comment on high rise 1 year ago:
Is anyone else suddenly craving macarons?
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
Definitely satanic. It’s a camouflaged Square & Compass. Your girl and her bestie have joined the Freemasons!
- Comment on USB worm unleashed by Russian state hackers spreads worldwide | Ars Technica 1 year ago:
Pheromones and farts
- Comment on I have a logic joke, and it is inductively defined as follows: 1 year ago:
Sounds like an angular motion joke.
I have a short calculus joke. It’s a little derivative.
- Comment on I have a logic joke, and it is inductively defined as follows: 1 year ago:
There used to be a geology joke in there, but it got buried.
- Comment on 24 hours and the ketracel white memes show no sign of slowing down 1 year ago:
Is that Alan Tudyk?
- Comment on Confused AI Overlords 1 year ago:
Now I’m hungry…