- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
considering how huge FB still is.
FB is only huge because they’ve expanded all over the hlobe, even providing internet to developing nations to facilitate growth. In reality they’ve been bleeding the original Western users that signed up between '04-'10, and growth among new generations flatland a long time ago. There’s a reason Meta aggressively expanded to other ventures (or attempt to create platforms) like Instagram, Threads, what’s app, VR and metaverse. Metas only chance at sustainable growth and capturing young people is to build or buy platforms young people will use, because it ain’t Facebook.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
The company I work for is smort
This is every company I’ve ever worked for. If other people didn’t vouche for their own tests, I’d assume automated testing was a myth.
- Comment on What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app? 1 year ago:
I never saw that, that’s legitimately funny. I’d love to be in the room when that feature was designed, and the reaction of the developer it was handed too.
- Comment on What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app? 1 year ago:
I don’t know if the game is the best example of busineses making top-down design decisions, since that game was an obvious scam from the start.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Oh wow, I’ve seen this huys shorts start popping up constantly. He seems like he understands the algorithm enough to explode
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Seems it got much worse.
Seems like it’s going great for the developer.
- Comment on Is jQuery still the go-to JS helper library? 1 year ago:
Htmx for server requests and AplineJS for client interactions
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
You can write it in whatever language you want, as long as it’s rust.
- Comment on What is your favorite software stack for full-stack web development? 1 year ago:
For websites: Htmx + AlpineJs on the front end, ASP.NET Razor Pages and PostegreSQL on the backend.
For Web Apps; Blazor and PostgreSQL
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
In a 4-D chess move, by canceling everything after season 3 with no resolution, they’ve made their shows not worth pirating by making them. Ot worth watching.
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
I thought it was a balance between new shows getting better engagement than old shows, and contracts lasting 3 seasons, which required re-negotiations in favor of the talent.
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
I didn’t have an answer for a very long time. Or more seriously, the answer was “the 9ne that paid the most”. I’ve run the gamut of popular languages, C, C++, Java, Javascript, perl, ruby, Python, Visual Basic, VB.Net, C# and F#.
But the last couple years it’s really been C#. The pace of development on the language/runtime has really picked up with yearly releases. The features that are added and iterated on are expressive and intuitive. You can tell from the discussion posts on how a feature is being considered for inclusion is thoughtful and deliberate. It really feels like the language is in good hands.
Just wish those hands weren’t Microsoft.
- Comment on This comic was published less than ten years ago, and it's wild how obsolete it is 1 year ago:
Wild swings between the greatest trip you’ve ever had, and excruciatingly slow death.
- Comment on My poor RAM... 1 year ago:
Yes, I couldn’t recommend htmx highly enough.
- Comment on My poor RAM... 1 year ago:
Web & mobile development took a wrong tern 10 million miles back, and no one wants to turn the car around and admit it.
- Comment on Some people just wake up and choose violence 1 year ago:
Yes, and the people directly contributing to the project have legitimate gripes. Although, the parable of dhh is if you get on am asshole scorpions back, don’t be surprised if you get stung. Dudes been an unreasonable price for nearly 20 years now.
My comments directed at the manufactured outrage from the tooling zealots incapable of having a mature conversation. Or even accept a difference of opinion. The number of comments that start with, "never heard of Turbo, but let me weigh in on why you’re an idiot for not liking Typescript. " is very telling…
- Comment on Some people just wake up and choose violence 1 year ago:
I continue to be baffled and amused by the complete meltdown of the typescript community over the actions of a single man on a single package. The only people who have legitimate gripes are those that had been actively contributing and whose work was erased. The rest of you are acting absurdly childish. The anger and vitriol being thrown at anyone who disagrees on how to write javascript would make me embarrassed if I was associated or involved in the ts community.
- Comment on What software stack would you have chosen for Lemmy? 1 year ago:
I like Blazor and use it exclusively at my work (usually to build the same type of stuff I’d use a HARP approach in a personal prj).
Blazor is awesome, but really is attractive to backend .Net developers more than anyone else. However, Blazor has a bunch of downsides: Blazor Server is too chatty to build scalable public facing webapps. Blazor WASM has a massive initial payload, which makes it slow and heavy.
Also, it just really falls into being overkill for so much stuff on the web. Half the shit I’m paid to build with Blazor would be faster and cheaper with just some htmx. Most SPAs are attempting to build a sand castle with an excavator.
- Comment on Which side are you? Javascript or Typescript 1 year ago:
Because my exposure to Typescript is wading through over-engineered and bloated Angular front ends that could easily (and should) be thrown out and re-written in html/ js.
But also because I exclusively write simple shit that doesn’t have a build step for the front end, because 90% of the stuff I make gains no benefit from needlessly overly complex front ends.
- Comment on What software stack would you have chosen for Lemmy? 1 year ago:
I’d use what I’ve been experimenting with exclusively on personal projects: htmx, AlpineJs and Razor Pages on PostgreSQL AKA the HARP stack. Obviously, a hilarious acronym was needed.
Which might sound esoteric and hipster, but I’d contend it’s pretty close to how we were building websites for decades before the cult of the SPA took over. For those not in the know, HARP is built with no fe frameworks, everything is rendered server side and html is swapped in the DOM on the fly. Htmx is a very tiny js library that makes backend requests to the server, and renders the returned htmx within the current page. AlpineJs is a client-side js library that acts like a modernized and simplified jQuery. Razor Pages is part of the ASP.NET web framework that runs on .Net, and produces html from Razor templates coded with C#. My professional work is on SQL Server, but I like PostgreSQL as the runner up because I’m not paying mssql out of my own pocket.
I’m wouldn’t be concerned with hiring since I’d mostly just need C# developers with some designers. .Net developers are a dime a dozen, and many are seasoned vets with 15+ years experience building with .Net. it’s easy to build a career with, so few are running around flipping frameworks every few hype cycles.
But I might have just shown my age and bias.
- Comment on What does it really mean to test an interface not the implementation? 1 year ago:
It’s a form of Black-Box Testing, essentially you want to validate expected behavior. Implementation can change, but your outcome should remain the same.
This is a big target for Test Driven Development, since your first step is to write the test with the expected outcome, then you write the most basic implementation, and when you can verify the behavior, then you are free to re-factor to improve implementation knowing your test will tell you if the behavior changes with each internal change.
- Comment on Sometimes there is a better choice than Javascript 1 year ago:
I was there for the first wave of SPAs, I even learned angularJs and Knockout. It did feel like a major atep forward, being able to make highly interactive applications. However, things quickly went off the rails when the tools stopped being about managing heavy client state, and became the default for everything, even when it ment using JavaScript to build extremely basic functionally browsers did natively with html, but extremely worse(e.g. navigation). The modern Web really is a victim of hype and trends.
Unless your app needs to work offline, or you have to manage dozens of constantly changing client side data points concurrently, your site doesn’t need to be a big heavy js framework. My rule is if it looks like Google Maps, you need a SPA. if it looks like Gmail you need REST/HATEOS. and if it looks like google’s mainpage, you need a server side rendering.
At some point you might see the light, and go back to making your websites simpler, but Im not hopeful. Until then I’m building the majority of things with HTMX and alpineJs.