- Submitted 4 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
PEI is one of the best surfaces you will ever find to print on, although I believe one type of filament (I think a variation of PLA?) sticks too well and can damage the PEI trying to take prints off…
That’s PETG. I avoid using a smooth PEI plates like fire when PETG is loaded. Even after swapping the filament to PLA, little bits of residual PETG can still stick leaving a shadow on the plate. Textured PEI is mostly fine, but printing single layer stuff like brims is a pain to get off.
- Comment on Retraction Test 8 months ago:
From what I understand it tests the minimum retraction distance you need to avoid stringing. The lower you get the less retraction you need. For example, for me usually it stops stringing around 0.4mm retraction (that’s 4mm measured from the hot plate), but found that in real conditions the default 0.6mm works better. I don’t find this test too useful, for me it fails to demonstrate the spectrum between too little and too much retraction, a feature I appreciate in the pressure advance tower. Apparently the moment it stops stringing, anything after that won’t show you anything new and it’s best to stop the print. Either that or I fail to notice any defects when the retraction is relatively high.
- Comment on OrcaSlicer V2.1.0 Official Release 8 months ago:
There’s a request made here. Haven’t seen devs reply yet though.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 29 comments
- Comment on WTF is wrong with Killing Floor 2? 9 months ago:
I tried liking KF2 but it just lacks the crispness and the atmosphere of KF1. I also missed the shop lady with her opening shop in the weirdest locations in between rounds. So yeah, KF2 lacks charm IMO and I still like KF1 more even on its aging UE2.5 engine. I don’t think KF3 will find my interest, with all the multiplayer games going “live service” and all.
- Comment on Finally got a UPS 11 months ago:
Had to replace my UPS battery just a few days ago after a power outage reminded me that a replacement was well overdue. I share your feeling, now I can sleep knowing a power blip won’t knock out my servers and mess up my data.
- Comment on Lemmy instance using a lot of ram 1 year ago:
Yea, I had to make a crontab task that resets lemmy every day. Hope it gets fixed in the future but for now it sorta works.
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
I’ve got a whole 0.5kg bag of coffee for that much in Germany, and that’ll last me almost a month (~25 cups). What’s so good about Starbucks that it costs as much per cup?
- Comment on Researchers build AI that can replicate and alter itself and I'm pretty sure that's an opening line from the original Terminator script 1 year ago:
So, “flies” from The Invincible? Microbots that pretty much conquered a planet, making it impossible for all life to exist on the planet’s surface. There was no “obeying” them, only dying or leaving.
Dude that wrote that (in 1964 no less) must’ve been a time traveler. Computers back then barely started being miniaturized, there were no home PCs, no smartphones or actual nano tech to speak of. Only recently we’ve started building microbots and nano scale mechanisms.
- Comment on ULTRARAM may be a silly name but it's the holy grail for memory tech and means your PC could hibernate for over 1,000 years 1 year ago:
That’s not gold, it’s just a heat sheet.