- Comment on Apple Terminated Epic’s Developer Account 11 months ago:
I can just see them responding to the EU like, “Yeah, we’ll allow other people to build app stores for iOS. They just need a dev account that we won’t approve. That’s not us specifically blocking alternate app stores though.”
- Comment on Against The Storm v1.1 update is out, improving early game variety and bringing a lot of QoL features 1 year ago:
I used to call these sort of games “Bird-chirpers”
Cause you’d start playing and then it would suddenly be morning, and birds would be chirping.
- Comment on Some Beeper users say Apple banned their Macs from iMessage 1 year ago:
Apple also intentionally made the green bubble contrast worse so that iPhone users would have eyestrain when conversing with non-iPhone users.
- Comment on "Did you realize that we live in a reality where SciHub is illegal, and OpenAI is not?" 1 year ago:
Time to make OpenASci?
- Comment on HP customers claim firmware update rendered third-party ink verboten | Then the company cranked up the price of cartridges, complaint alleges 1 year ago:
Only to find that PETA has already stolen the dog and euthanized it, “To end its suffering.”
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
We used to have that here in the US.
- Comment on It's 2023/2024 and Roseanne Barr is now more attractive than Madonna. 1 year ago:
Can I have… some sugar… water?
- Comment on Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"? 1 year ago:
I’d have to say American Exceptionalism at its finest when it comes to sports is the World Series.
- Comment on GM Says It's Ditching Apple CarPlay and Android Auto for Your Safety 1 year ago:
I have a GM vehicle I like. I already don’t pay them for OnStar. I’m certainly not going to pay them to replace my phone. And then likely have to pay for cellular access for my car.
- Comment on This scary AI recognizes passwords by the sound of your typing 1 year ago:
Years ago I got the (then) admin account password at work because one of the LAN admins typed with two pointer fingers and I just watched.
- Comment on Against the Storm Review - An Ambient Roguelite City Builder 1 year ago:
These days, roguelite tends to mean “A procedural game where you initiate a run that has a start and an end, but then has meta currencies of some kind that you spend in-between runs that affect future runs.”
So in Against the Storm you start a run, and you’re in a fresh environment that depends upon where in the overworld map you chose to start. This portion of the game play is a city builder like Banished or Timberborn or whatnot. You follow the game loop to instruct units to gather raw resources. Spend those construct buildings and allocate units to generate other resources within those buildings. Deal with events that come up. Have a goal that signifies completion of the run, and a hurry up clock of some kind that forces you to get to an end, and then either succeed or fail. Based on how you did, you have meta currency awarded that you can use to purchase unlocks that can allow for new gameplay options or make you stronger so as to be able to play on a higher difficulty, which results in higher meta currency awards.
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
Spore had itself a 3 or 5 installs limit before not allowing you to install it anymore.
- Comment on Do I need a license to kill a squirrel? 1 year ago:
Disgusting :p
- Comment on Do I need a license to kill a squirrel? 1 year ago:
That sounds like when my wife set out some no-kill mice traps, but then never inspected them.
During the middle of summer.
When it hit 115 F.
She agreed that kill traps would be more humane going forward.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Are you sure? I thought microtransactions were the core component of successful games these days.
- Comment on I've lately been making my git commit messages with AI 1 year ago:
- Comment on Designed these spiders for halloween! 1 year ago:
Mix a couple into the candy bowl!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 09-10-2023 1 year ago:
Depending on which of my friends are around:
World War Z
Payday 3
DarkTideOr with my kids:
Monster Hunter World/Rise
Plants vs Zombies: Garden WarfareGonna try out the Enshrouded Steam Next demo this week.
- Comment on Advice needed, son wants to learn how to program 1 year ago:
I see a lot of good advice, so I’m going to suggest something different. Have your son watch this guy or someone like him do some stuff.
He just picks something that interests him and builds on top of that interest.
My kids (8 and 11) don’t even have any interest in doing programming at the moment, and they like watching him build stuff. We watched the Geographical Adventures playlist twice.
- Comment on Phones should have FM radio again 1 year ago:
So, what, we’re just going to carry around USB antennas now?
- Comment on Which programming language is hard to understand? 1 year ago:
You’re talking about PowerShell but then complaining about cmd. Are you unaware that PowerShell is its own cli?
- Comment on Films and shows which tell the story of how they themselves were produced 1 year ago:
Not exactly what you asked for, but Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog had a director’s commentary track that was also a musical.
- Comment on Countries Eye Weight Tax To Counter Public Safety Threat Of Extremely Heavy, Large EVs 1 year ago:
A 5% difference is close enough for me. You make it sound like the EV part is where all the weight is coming from when the ICE versions are already there. And please, “The hummer EV is too much but the regular hummer is fine”? The hummer is just already excess no matter what version you’re talking about.
I see people commuting in F250s to their tech jobs cause they tow stuff once in a while, and they don’t feel safe driving the same size vehicles as 95% of the rest of traffic around them. Then they whine about parking spaces.
- Comment on Countries Eye Weight Tax To Counter Public Safety Threat Of Extremely Heavy, Large EVs 1 year ago:
Edmunds lists the 450 at 8587 pounds.
F 250 super duty’s curb weight is 6718 pounds.
- Comment on Countries Eye Weight Tax To Counter Public Safety Threat Of Extremely Heavy, Large EVs 1 year ago:
Neat. Now do the extremely heavy, large, not-EVs.
- Comment on Let's talk about the curious and ingenious DriveSpace, an MS-DOS program promising to double the available disk space. 1 year ago:
Both times I used either one of them, it crashed in the middle of compressing my hard drive and I had to reformat. But they worked fine the 2nd try!
- Comment on Starfield Community Patch 1 year ago:
Buying the same game 4 times on successive platforms
- Comment on Is there a way to favorite / bookmark other star systems to visit again? 1 year ago:
Make sure to use cursive!
- Comment on Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design - but that’s not boring, Bethesda insists 1 year ago:
Hah oh yeah? I had been part of some organized effort in the early days to flip a system ownership, and after a large amount of people working hard on missions for a couple months, they finally admitted that it wasn’t functional yet.
- Comment on Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design - but that’s not boring, Bethesda insists 1 year ago:
I haven’t played Elite Dangerous since the first year it came out. At that time it was the very definition of “A mile wide and an inch deep” though.
Has it gotten any deeper?