- Comment on Gel and lithium-ion tech could enable 1000-mile EV range on one charge 1 year ago:
and Glass pack batteries
- Comment on Amazon defends facial-recognition tech sale to FBI despite moratorium | Computer Weekly 1 year ago:
Not to mention the primarily black population of Louisiana who are disproportionately targeted for crimes will be the greatest number of false positives .
Due to the common knowledge the facial recognition is severely lacking when it comes to successfully identifying black populations due to darker tones being harder to differentiate.
This would take an existing problem and magnify it by creating a larger, more automated police state.
Not to mention data privacy/security, which the LA DMV just got their data hacked in the last two years…
Seriously a public safety violation all-around.
- Comment on Russian forces now using Musk’s Starlink on Ukraine front line 1 year ago:
Deport him to Russia’s new Conservative Camp… err… i mean Village
- Comment on Instagram finds that AI Mr beast scams do not go against community guidelines. 1 year ago:
Had to double check if it was the onion…
- Comment on It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. 1 year ago:
Horses and water
- Comment on NYPD faces backlash as it prepares to encrypt radio communications | New York | The Guardian 1 year ago:
I’ll put it simple.
American cops are not equivalent to Canadian cops. US cops use tax payer money to pay lawsuits but are allowed a special police union as well. No other public servants get a union to do their bidding while tax payers foot the bill.
Open the channels. What’s there to hide. In emergency events, yes it could be an issue. But people also need to know where serious events might be occurring in their areas.
- Comment on How crowded are the oceans? New maps show what flew under the radar until now 1 year ago:
Good bot!
- Comment on SSD prices predicted to skyrocket throughout 2024 — TrendForce market report projects a 50% price hike | Tom's Hardware 1 year ago:
Butter the bun before the bake
- Comment on 4-year campaign backdoored iPhones using possibly the most advanced exploit ever 1 year ago:
The true villain origin story
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
For a price… I could break it for you
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
For a price… I could break it for you
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
Yeah we’re fucked :)
I liked the suggestion to throw Linux on all of the “losses”
- Comment on On bats. 1 year ago:
Florida looks around sweating nervously over lack of guardrails
- Comment on Uber is testing a service that lets you hire drivers for chores 1 year ago:
Wait til they try to get insurance involved too for “on-site injuries” and such -_-
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
Putting the ‘capital’ in Capitalism.
- Comment on Rare lake forms in Death Valley 1 year ago:
It better slow down before people in Phoenix start getting moving ideas.
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
The Chinese concept of “lying flat” in response to immense amounts of insignificant, monotonous work.
- Comment on Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough 1 year ago:
Needs more socialism. But we know how that goes…
- Comment on Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough 1 year ago:
See Norweigan Sovereign Wealth Fund for more…
- Comment on Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough 1 year ago:
This is too perfect of an analogy…
- Comment on Blood Money: How America’s Biggest Charities Are Bankrolling Hate Groups Without Anyone Noticing 1 year ago:
Donor Advised Funds for anonymous “charity” donations. Wow.
- Comment on How much CO2 is emitted by manufacturing batteries? | MIT Climate Portal 1 year ago:
No one said it was a zero-sum game. Nothing really is (excluding theory). I’m just gonna leave these here for good news:
The process, which has also been used on material left over from magnet manufacturing that typically goes to waste, can recover 90 to 98 percent of the rare earths, and the material is pure enough to make new magnets, Nlebedim’s team has demonstrated.
Recovering up to 70 percent of lithium from battery waste without corrosive chemicals, high temperatures, and prior sorting of materials being required: This is achieved by a recycling method developed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Mar 30, 2023
- Comment on Why You Need a Digital ‘Dead Man’s Switch’ 1 year ago:
Didn’t read, but my dead man’s switch:
Unplug the router from the power.
- Comment on I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app. 1 year ago:
Wait come back!! You dropped your cane!
- Comment on How much CO2 is emitted by manufacturing batteries? | MIT Climate Portal 1 year ago:
Regardless I always find the argument for fossil fuels over EV hilariously stupid when measuring carbon outputs. Considering that these renewable elements can be recycled over and over unlike one-time fossil fuels…
- Comment on Building Robust APIs with Ruby on Rails: A Glimpse into Modern Web Development 1 year ago:
As someone who has worked with RoR in the last year, they’ve come a LONG way in the last three years.
Take a look at Turbo and other new implementations in RoR. They eliminate like 90% of the necessary Javascript and the libraries are reliable which is nice. A guarantee not always found in the npm ecosystem.
- Comment on Thanks to wind and solar, Texas has kept the power on and the costs down 1 year ago:
Connected, but still independent of it. They’re also connected to the Eastern grid it says.
So pretty misleading, it’s less than 10% of their power.
- Comment on Stop doing Color Management! 1 year ago:
Stop doing call and responses We already have this using callbacks
- Comment on Waymo And Cruise Get Permits For Full-Day Robotaxi For Money In SF, LA, Silicon Valley 1 year ago:
Ppl love robotaxis until they’re used for mobile brothels…
Somebody has to clean it Waymo now
- Comment on VS Code’s Token Security: Keeping Your Secrets… Not So Secretly 1 year ago:
JS devs sweating over their spiderweb of NPM libraries