- Comment on Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE 10 months ago:
"I looked at the eclipse and now my eyes hurt. What do I do?".
- Comment on Germany: 'Groped' female statues highlight sexual harassment 10 months ago:
Dozens of studies have been carried out over decades and every single one has shown that video games do not cause violence.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
Selfish? Perhaps you forget why people deleted their content in the first place.
- Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago:
It wasnt until the shinra tower in FF7 that I figured out how to slot materia.
- Comment on Cable company logic: "Our predatory anti-consumer practices are really pro-consumer" 1 year ago:
Yar har, fiddle de dee!
- Comment on Why is 2010s movie Star Trek called the Kelvin timeline? 1 year ago:
In the movie where he said the star threatened the entire galaxy I kinda giggled and had a think about it. I figured the only way it would threaten the galaxy would be the political implications.
Now if someone found a way to detonate Sag A*...
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What came first? Egg theory or the sort story by anti weir?
- Comment on Microsoft sneaks ads into the new Outlook for Windows 1 year ago:
I saw these adds ages ago when they first let me try it out. Immediately reverted. Ill stop using it once it stops working.
- Comment on Spec Ops: The Line permanently removed from Steam and other digital stores 1 year ago:
Just checked. Delisted to me.
- Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla 1 year ago:
He sold 10% to buy twitter. Maybe he shouldn't have made himself legally obligated to buy it?
- Comment on Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand 1 year ago:
I'm not looking forward to the day a tesla cyber truck hits someone. That's gonna be a grizzly scene in the right conditions.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
It's also the ariel for my radio so..
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
People know what a GIF is. So I use GIF. It's worked out fine so far.
- Comment on "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down. 1 year ago:
TIL Dayz isn't in early access any more.
- Comment on Please don't let this be Gene's legacy. 1 year ago:
This explains a lot. I wondered why it went from watchable to I wonder what else is onable.
- Comment on Not even a ridge on their head or anything? 1 year ago:
Or humans look a lot like sci fi aliens.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
I should play GTA5. Still havent touched it. I think I have it on PS3 somewhere...
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
Same. That said, I vastly prefer the First Contact/Insurrection version. It's clearly superior in every way.
- Comment on The 'ol 1 2 1 year ago:
The barycenter between earth and the moon is within the earths crust. The barycenter between charon and pluto is outside of plutos surface. For those who dont understand, this means that the center of gravity between the earth and moon is INSIDE the earth. So the moon orbits a point within the earth. Not so with the charon pluto system. Both worlds orbit a point in space.
- Comment on The 'ol 1 2 1 year ago:
Pluto and Charon are dobule planets. Change my mind.
- Comment on X advertisers stay away as CEO defends Musk’s “go f*** yourself” interview 1 year ago:
Yaccarino said she is "immensely proud to lead this company," and told employees they should feel the same. "You're at X because you have the courage and conviction to build and operationalize the most consequential platform that exists. That's quite an enviable position to be in," Yaccarino wrote.
Meanwhile in March...
Elon Musk fires senior Twitter employee who slept in office to meet deadlines
It's almost as if they will say anything.
- Comment on No nut November is finally over but... 1 year ago:
He wants our poo poo and our pee pee!
- Comment on 19-year-old EverQuest II’s 20th expansion, Ballads of Zimara, launches today 1 year ago:
I remember some TV show trying to make everquest look bad or simply misunderstanding what logging out meant. The angle that was be in pushed was you can't logout if you are attacked, so you need to keep playing.
- Comment on Sokath, his eyes uncovered! 1 year ago:
They should have sent the federation their history books. The only thing missing from the language is context. The fact that they speak in metaphors means that these stories exist somewhere for them to be referenced.
- Comment on Nuclear power? That's just steam power with extra steps! 1 year ago:
To be fair, the atmos were going to burn anyhow. We just clumped them together to make better use of them.
- Comment on Who is he talking to crying??? 1 year ago:
That's me and war and peace tbh.
- Comment on Sony’s PlayStation Portal gives a confusing first impression 1 year ago:
I dont have a TV in my room, but couldn't I set up a system for the same price where I can play all my console or PC games in bed if I wanted to? For the same price that is?. It might be an interesting purchase if someone else wanted to be able to use the TV, but if I was buying one for me to play games on while in bed then my partner can gtfo lol.
- Comment on Alexander did not like making snowmen after that 1 year ago:
You can just picture the klingon parents standing around drinking some Sto-vo-koors light, watching.
- Comment on Brace yourself, a report suggests that Copilot is coming to Windows 10 1 year ago:
Yeah when stuff like that happens I start going through my install to get vengance. Eventually I intend to keep this machine as a windows machine and build my next computer with linux.
- Comment on Brace yourself, a report suggests that Copilot is coming to Windows 10 1 year ago:
As long as it's not running in the background using a single bit of my RAM then I'm fine with it tbh.