- Comment on Argentines are recruiting friends, strangers into Worldcoin’s cash-for-eyeballs scheme 10 months ago:
How do you feel about government backed currencies?
- Comment on Get ready — your Google Workspace subscription is about to see an unwelcome price hike 1 year ago:
What's a good FOSS replacement?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
More or less like that regarding work. And on weekends it's nice to go places, and/or have a vehicle to haul stuff. But that's not everyday. So yeah, common ownership of a vehicle for roadtrips, and/or hauling stuff would be an elegant solution.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
LoL, I must be living the 'life of Riley', then. My commute is less than a mile, and almost always by bike. And most of my errands, etc can be done by bike, as well. And yet the need for a car in our family is indeed extant.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Thanks, that's helpful. I'm reluctantly considering purchasing a vehicle, possibly even relatively close to new. The ancient beater I drive when the bike won't do the job isn't subject to these issues, and might even be proof against an EMP. Tho' where the hell I'd get petrol in a post apocalyptic landscape is an as yet unanswered question. lol. I like the idea of the 'bells and whistles' of modern conveyances, and do so much in other spheres to limit corporate access that it makes sense to consider how to minimize in the case of a more modern car.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Wouldn't end-to-end encryption with, for instance, Signal sidestep some of this data collection? Specifically related to text, telephony, video conferencing? Could one use a masked email to put a layer between oneself and one's car/ car company?
I'm just 'brainstorming' as this is a big issue, and I"m sure there are folks that have done deeper study and thinking on these impacts on our privacy. What about using a VPN?
- Comment on A billionaire could finance some UFO-looking drones to swarm a town, then invest in the real estate and tourism in that town and profit. 1 year ago:
Happens every time. yep.
- Comment on I'm more of a Spork man myself 1 year ago:
Username checks out.
- Comment on Conservatives on Facebook absolutely believe this. 1 year ago:
Years Active: 2004 to present - 20 years of work, "out of nowhere". I don't really care either, but the facts say this is a significant musical career. And she doesn't seem to be slowing down.
- Comment on Its 5 o'clock, time for an adult beverage 1 year ago:
I looked at that and thought 'maybe with a boba straw'. smh
- Comment on it is time 1 year ago:
Good thing The Calculations show it's Thursday!!
- Comment on What's the best way to read a book in a dark room? 1 year ago:
- Comment on It's big! It's heavy! It's wood! 1 year ago:
It's good!
- Comment on How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
How corporate social media's biggest user protest, and exodus, rocked reddit, acccording to corporate media - FTFY
- Comment on Broccoli 1 year ago:
Truly a shitpost. No, it's not the case. Who makes up these shitposts? Big Broccoli, I tell ya! I was curious, so I looked it up:
- Comment on Why didn't anyone warn me!? 1 year ago:
I'm sorry Australia! Please come back. We can be AmerAustralia, together, watching while the other sleeps, as was meant to be.
- Comment on Instead of only voting for one candidate we should be able to upvote or downvote each candidate 1 year ago:
Have you ever heard of Ranked Choice, or Instant Runoff Voting?
- Comment on Surf and turf baby 1 year ago:
Our Hero!! I'd give you a free fake award if we were still on rddt.
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
I have to say I prefer New Mexico A and New Mexico B. Also Tennessee and Elevenessee are made for each other.
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
This magazine has been cracking me up for weeks now. Had to share: - Comment on xkcd #2868: Label the States 1 year ago:
LoL, New Mexico A & B
- Comment on xkcd #2868: Label the States 1 year ago:
LoL, New Mexico A & B
- Comment on The year Twitter died: a special series from The Verge 1 year ago:
"the year twitter died" is passive, and generally not a preferred way to write this, as there are specific actions by one (EM) or several individuals. The active phrase, "the year twitter was killed", is more reflective of the actual situation, and thus better communication. FTFY.
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
Cool, so a real Doctor, then. ;-) I had a thing for getting letters after my name, and reached a certain goal, then gave up on the ego.
- Comment on Don't do Crunch Kids! 1 year ago:
That cracked me up, too!
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
I'm glad you were able to get the care you needed.
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
You mean they got a Ph.D.? ;-)
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
I was searching for humorous podcasts over the weekend, and found Say More with Dr.? Sheila - - I hope you enjoy it.
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
I could start spending my time bashing various professions, I suppose, but I've got better things to do. However, since you are obviously interesting in people being ripped off, injured or killed here's this, the first article that came up on search from PubMed:
Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers
Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these. Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned. We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say "no thanks".
It is a free article, so you can read the whole thing, if you wish to be better informed.
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
YSK that Medical Doctors are also not Chiropractors. This is why the letters after their names are different. M.D. means Medical Doctor, and D.C. means Doctor of Chiropractic. The major differences in their educations being Surgery, and Drugs for the MDs, and Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Manual Therapy are studied more by DCs. Depending on licensure laws both can order imaging, laboratory testing, and prescribe massage or physical therapy. Also the MD will only have 3-7 minutes to spend with you, and the DC will have much more time to do intake, history, therapy, and to explain what is going on with you and what can be done to improve your situation. Here's a fun fact for ya, some of the injuries attributed to joint manipulation, and this is well documented, were from barbers, kung fu teachers, and yes, MDs and PTs who went to a weekend course in manipulation, instead of the numerous semesters of learning that a DC will have as part of their normal coursework.
NataliePortland, what's your issue? Why do you care so much about this particular topic?