- Comment on Any MythTV Users Here? 8 months ago:
I replaced mythtv with tvheadend on the backend and kodi on the frontend like 5 or 6 years ago.
The setup and configuration at the time on mythtv was slanted towards old ( obsolete ) analog tuners and static setup and tvheadend was like a breath of fresh air in comparison where you could point it at a DVB mux or two and it would mostly do what you want without having to fight it.
I’m not sure how much longer I’ll want something that can tune DVB-S2 and DVB-T though. Jellyfin and friends handle everything other than legacy TV better than kodi these days.
- Comment on What's a good graphics card for jellyfin? 9 months ago:
The most impressed I’ve been with hardware encoding and decoding is with the built in graphics on my little NUC.
I’m using a NUC10i5FNH which was only barely able to transcode one vaguely decent bitrate stream in software. It looked like passing the hardware transcoding through to a VM was too messy for me so I decided to reinstall linux straight on the hardware.
The hardware encoding and decoding performance was absolutely amazing. I must have opened up about 20 jellyfin windows that were transcoding before I gave up trying and called it good enough. I only really need about 4 maximum.
The graphics on the 10th generation NUC’s is the same sort of thing that is on the 9th gen and 10th gen desktop cpu’s, so if you have and intel cpu with onboard graphics give it a try.
It’s way less trouble than the last time I built a similar setup with NVidia. I haven’t tried a Radeon card yet, but the jellyfin docs are a bit more negative about AMD.
- Comment on Should I buy a Fairphone? If not, what SHOULD I buy and why? 1 year ago:
Oh not seriously, just making fun of the LTT vote which resulted in Linus using one for a bit.
A fairphone actually sounds pretty cool.
- Comment on Should I buy a Fairphone? If not, what SHOULD I buy and why? 1 year ago:
What you need is an LG Wing:
- Comment on Japanese Institute breaks optical fiber speed record with 22.9 petabits per second — 1,000 times faster than existing cables 1 year ago:
Steam can do pretty well filling a tail circuit, probably better on average. But a torrent of a large file with a ton of peers when your client has the port forward back into the client absolutely puts more pressure on a tail circuit. More flows makes the shaping work harder.
Sometimes we see an outlier in our reporting and it’s not obvious if a customer has a torrent or a DDoS directed at them for the first few minutes.
- Comment on Japanese Institute breaks optical fiber speed record with 22.9 petabits per second — 1,000 times faster than existing cables 1 year ago:
No, if two 300 megabit tails are shaped correctly, a third user shouldn’t notice that the 1G backhaul has got a bunch of use going on.
If you do, there’s something wrong or you aren’t really getting the 1G for some reason. Not generally a concern in a carrier platform.
- Comment on Japanese Institute breaks optical fiber speed record with 22.9 petabits per second — 1,000 times faster than existing cables 1 year ago:
I build ISP and private data networks for a living.
A contention ratio for residential circuits of 3 to 1 isn’t bad at all. You’d have to get pretty unlucky with your neighbors being raging pirates to be able to tell that was contended at all. Any data cap should scare the worst of the pirates away, so you probably won’t be in that situation.
If you can feel the circuit getting worse at different times of the day then the effective contention ( taking into account further upstream ) is probably more like 30 to 1 than 3 to 1.
- Comment on Anyone familiar with SFTPGo? 1 year ago:
Often on Linux group membership changes only take effect on login. So you could try logging out of your session and logging back in after your group changes to test that theory out.