- Comment on Does not compute, captain 1 year ago:
I have to say, I suspected this. Being honest. I said to myself, "What could run off Stamets," and that's exactly what I came up with. The benefit of being closer to 40 than 30 I guess.
Now to join your community. Thank you genuinely for commenting here for me to see directly. I'm not good at creating content (every time I ever got a burst of creativity on reddit I was banned for posting too much so I just stopped making memes) but I comment like a sumbitch!
- Comment on Very basic expectations 1 year ago:
(Unsweetened) coffee gang represent!
- Comment on Does not compute, captain 1 year ago:
Here's hoping we see a response.
- Comment on Plummeting interest rate 1 year ago:
There was this mean thing people would say back in like the 90s, that the people complaining online win every argument because everyone who had success was busy being in a relationship.
- Comment on I'll try to follow my very emotionally healthy idols better 1 year ago:
I think that is exactly why that problem persists. Among a certain subset of the population, there is no need to look further. Why assume that there's a deeper message there?
Which is why it's always so frustrating when you see someone arguing that you should only be able to vote if you serve. (Yes, this really happened to me.)
- Comment on I'll try to follow my very emotionally healthy idols better 1 year ago:
Ah. The Starship Troopers problem.
- Comment on I knew it all along! 1 year ago:
It has been so, so long since I last saw the Time Cube. Thank you.
- Comment on I have bad news for you, Bones... 1 year ago:
I really wish this was labeled with a warning. Scared the hell out of me.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Be good to you, friend. Hope we cross paths elsewhere.
- Comment on Set phasers to fun 1 year ago:
Out Cold, holy shit. What a deep cut.
- Comment on Why did we even try landing here? 1 year ago:
jaunty whistling
- Comment on Bro. 1 year ago:
- Comment on The key to eternal life and never dying is to stay in the living room. Don't leave the living room. 1 year ago:
The living room is red herring.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Nutty Putty Cave is his Nutty Putty Grave sounds better for whatever reason.
- Comment on Fishing 1 year ago:
Looks like it's pronounced "yuh-all." Ick.
- Comment on The chairs of Trek 1 year ago:
What a fantastic resource!
- Comment on How Googlers cracked an SF rival's tech model with a single word | A research team from the tech giant got ChatGPT to spit out its private training data 1 year ago:
"Programmed to respond to over 700 questions, none of which include chicken fingers." - Sergeant Vatred
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
Did you just try to explain sarcasm to me? Hahaha!
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
This is sugoidesu. Which translates to "Amazing."
I can't say I find it amazing. I don't wanna eat step-on-balls flavored Doritos!
- Comment on An Ensign Dies Inside: A story in pictures 1 year ago:
I want this on a shirt.
- Comment on Study shows that inoculating soil with mycorrhizal fungi can increase plant yield by by up to 40% 1 year ago:
Risa is the mycorrhizal fungus of Lemmy.
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
I was crying so hard a contact popped out and I had to finish the game half blind!
- Comment on Sokath, his eyes uncovered! 1 year ago:
The thing is... do they? We don't know that they're actually referencing anything at all. I always thought that, once you got the vibe, you could contribute to the conversation with the phrasing and use the implied story of the phrase for the context.
I might say to you, "Kyle, when Janet left him." You don't need to know who Kyle or Janet are to infer that this might not be a good thing. Alternatively, I might say that, and mime like I'm wiping sweat from my brow as of relieved, and it might change the meaning.
We have no real way of knowing what history they might be referring to. Or if there even is one.
- Comment on It's Capt Gregg 1 year ago:
I'm sure Riker would be interested in observing this mix-up. He seems like he might be willing to boldly go.
- Comment on FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists 1 year ago:
Antifa? Terrorists?
Not the first time I've been labeled a terrorist incorrectly, probably won't be the last.
- Comment on Deaf 1 year ago:
I'm a hearing individual but I'd like to say that I always enjoy subtitles and I really the way they sometimes describe the emotion music intends to convey.
Like when it says "romantic melody" or "suspenseful music." I like having that spelled out for me because sometimes I'll hear the music and I'll get a completely different vibe from what's playing than what was intended.
"Why is this horror scene playing elevator music" has been a real question I've asked myself, only for the subtitles to tell me I misinterpreted the music.
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
Fair enough! I was looking at that Wikipedia entry and that's where I got that but I'm open to other non-cavewoman-gangbang answers.
Personally I'm loud every second I'm having fun and I can't say I know of any scientific weapon for it. But it'd be nice for that to be more optional than it is!
- Comment on It's like everyday 1 year ago:
I just wanted to say these comments are off the chain. This is how the internet used to be- just people chatting, making jokes and telling stories.
I didn't know hoe much I missed it.
- Comment on Singular 1 year ago:
Leela's glass.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Man this whole thread has covid.